Sitting at a campfire this Memorial Day Weekend, I got caught up in the following conversation:
Woman: I'm a Christian and I believe what I believe, and I don't care what anybody else believes.
Cinjin: That's cool. I do truly appreciate that sentiment. Be religious if you want - but allow others the same privilege. (offered a salute with my beer)
Woman's Husband: She wishes we'd go back to church, but I just think it's a waste of time.
Woman: Well, I think it would be a good idea. (She chuckles) Whatever, I guess I'll be the only one in this relationship going to Heaven.
**awkward pause with nervous laughter from all around**
Cinjin: So wait? You really do believe your husband's going to Hell?
Woman: Well ... yeah. He believes that if you're good to people you go to Heaven - and I think that's just not right.

Since I wanted to keep the atmosphere pleasant I didn't tell them that I think they're both painfully misguided and that the idea of Heaven and Hell is as stupid as Santa's Workshop at the North Pole and Captain Hook's Never-Never Land.
The conversation continued for a bit, but I wonder ... What would your response be to that woman's last remark if you were married to her?
Woman: I'm a Christian and I believe what I believe, and I don't care what anybody else believes.
Cinjin: That's cool. I do truly appreciate that sentiment. Be religious if you want - but allow others the same privilege. (offered a salute with my beer)
Woman's Husband: She wishes we'd go back to church, but I just think it's a waste of time.
Woman: Well, I think it would be a good idea. (She chuckles) Whatever, I guess I'll be the only one in this relationship going to Heaven.
**awkward pause with nervous laughter from all around**
Cinjin: So wait? You really do believe your husband's going to Hell?
Woman: Well ... yeah. He believes that if you're good to people you go to Heaven - and I think that's just not right.

Since I wanted to keep the atmosphere pleasant I didn't tell them that I think they're both painfully misguided and that the idea of Heaven and Hell is as stupid as Santa's Workshop at the North Pole and Captain Hook's Never-Never Land.
The conversation continued for a bit, but I wonder ... What would your response be to that woman's last remark if you were married to her?