I'm sure it ranks as the most interesting Saturday of Jesus' life, watching as his dick was perforated and ripped inside out by the horned mouth of a demon who then took to the exposed undershaft with a rusty cheesegrater and an assortment of cutlery that any kitchen would be proud to own.
It was probably almost as interesting as being double-skullfucked by Satan's burning hot nob pumping gallons of searing hot devil juice directly into his brain, and the terrifying yet strangely whimsical hallucinations that followed.
Bet he had one mighty hangover come monday. In fact the resurrection itself could be seen as his version of cracking open his freshly-penetrated eyelids and wincing at the light of the morning as follows a particluarly heavy night. No wonder we haven't seen much of him since.
It was probably almost as interesting as being double-skullfucked by Satan's burning hot nob pumping gallons of searing hot devil juice directly into his brain, and the terrifying yet strangely whimsical hallucinations that followed.
Bet he had one mighty hangover come monday. In fact the resurrection itself could be seen as his version of cracking open his freshly-penetrated eyelids and wincing at the light of the morning as follows a particluarly heavy night. No wonder we haven't seen much of him since.
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