Argument from final consequences fallacy.
What is the “Argument from Final Consequences?”
The “Argument from Final Consequences” fallacy can effectively be stated as: “Something exists, therefore [this] caused it.” In other words, it confuses cause and effect, starting with an effect and then assuming a cause.
So no I didnot commit a 'argument from final consenquences' as I'd did not confuse cause and effect.
The cause of the trouble i identified, is benefiting from modern slavery.
Quote:How do you know we're not all "in trouble"?because we all directly benefit from modern slavery.
Quote:And what is "trouble"? Just because a morally wrong act is committed - doesn't mean there are immediate, perceivable be in trouble in this instance means to be found in hypocrisy. For people who don't consider themselves hypocrites this is troubling. For people who find themselves to be hypocritical a lot your right.. They may not see the the problem here.
Of course - that thing about "active modern slaves" - that's just demagogic bullsh*t and you know it. Whatever you mean by "modern slaves" has virtually no resemblance to actual slavery - unless you mean actual slavery, which - sure - still happens, but on an infinitely smaller scale, compared to what it was when Christian authorities actively, supported, participated in and benefited from slave trade.