(August 23, 2015 at 5:03 pm)Rekeisha Wrote:(August 22, 2015 at 11:06 am)Homeless Nutter Wrote: Really? Then why are you wasting your time as well as everyone else's with your inane babbling? We'll happily wait for your god to defend himself - as soon as he's done giving AIDS to babies, or whatever he's doing right now.
And you - go get a life maybe(?).
I am testifying to the truth that you are a sinner (you are in rebellion against God) like everyone else and out of God's love for you he took your paid your sin debt on the cross. If you repent (change your mind about living your life on your own terms) and put your faith in Him as your lord and savior you can have a rich and fulfilling life with the creator of the universe. Or you can reject Him and pay for your sin for the rest of eternity.
The rebellion that started from a woman who didn't know right from wrong because God put a tree he didn't want them to eat right where they could eat it and told them not to? Did he not know parenting 101? Tell a child not to do something and they're more likely to do it. Then he acts surprise when they do it when they don't know any better, oh and they didn't die like he said they would, either, so God's a liar to boot. And if you subscribe to the 'Snake = Satan' theory, not only does God have horrible security, but he's an idiot too for punishing snakes on a whole for something the devil did.
Yeah, makes sense. We better repent, guys.