(August 23, 2015 at 7:02 pm)abaris Wrote:(August 23, 2015 at 4:52 pm)Rekeisha Wrote: How was Jesus a suicidal. Also He isn't dead
Which brings me to my favorite subject. The trinity turning the sacrifice into a circus trick. God can't die, so noone could die to atone for a sin, god created in the first place.
Make your pick. Either all three are god. Then the sacrifice is pointless and didn't happen because we're dealing with an immortal being. Or the three are seperate Then monotheism is out of the window.
God's eternalness does not stop His sacrifice. Jesus became flesh and lived among humans so He was both God and man John 1:14. His death is not what you may think of as death. He did not cease to exist since He is an eternal being, and neither will you because you are more than just a physical body. He allowed his body to die when He was finished paying for the sins of humanity. That is why He said it was finished in and gave up His spirit in John 19:30. After He was placed in a borrowed tomb He rose on the 3rd day. Since He is God He was able to take upon the sins of the world and raise Himself from the dead. "No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father." (John 10:18) You lack understanding of how the trinity works and the power of God. That is what I believe is causing you to make this mistake. Unless, you are purposefully misrepresenting Him so that you can make a case that is easily argued. Either way God has always been God and isn't dead or suicidal nor is he play tricks. He sincerely wants to have a relationship with people and made great sacrifices to enable you to know Him. That is why He told His follower to go into the world and tell others about Him.