(November 6, 2010 at 7:24 pm)ScienceIsTheOnlyLord Wrote: the void: irony. my name is ironic. what a fool you have made of yourself.
Right. That's what lead me to the conclusion that you're a theist pretending to be an atheist, that and you 'Religious views' being Science.
Quote:racism has gone nowhere. racism will lower in times of much food and warmth like today, but when the rains come and we are all fighting for ground it shall return much as before.
Racism has gone down drastically, not just because of resources but because of a change in attitudes, and if changing the attitudes of persons regarding race is acceptable then what is wrong with changing peoples attitudes regarding experience?
Quote:no, you cannot offend a nonexistent deity, but you can offend millions of people, and for what? you are just spreading misery in the name of another utopia. there are no utopias. not in a truly logical atheist world view.
You're the only one talking about utopia here, I don't give a shit, it's not going to happen.
Also, blashphemy =/= insensitivity towards believers.
Quote:you do think you are more important, the void. why not re-read your words?
You're clearly the one who needs to re-read them, because at no point did I equate accuracy of belief with one's self importance. You can be as self important as humanly possible while believing as many false things as humanly possible.
I care about having accurate beliefs, that by definition makes me more likely to have acurate beliefs compared to someone who is only concerned with their own perceptions. That does't have any measure of importance about it at all, how you're getting from "I care about jusfitying beliefs" to "i'm super imprtant" is a mystery to me.
Quote:why do you think i would have been banned? have i broken the rules here? or, like many a humanist, do you not want to even entertain someone who you already know, 100%, has a less serious and worthy opinion that that which you already own?
1. What does this have to do with humanism?
2. Why assume we are humanists? I'm not for one. I share the secularism and naturalism, but beyond that I don't see the justification in espousing certain attributes over others, as the 'humanists' do for their value system.
2. What is your worldview?