Apparently it is now coming to light that the reason for the beating was because these youths wanted to leave the fold.
I'm beginning to consider the idea of setting up some sort of non-profit organization, some day, to specifically help, in various ways, people who face struggles as a result of choosing to leave various strident religious communities, who need assistance in finding their way in secular it Muslim apostates fleeing in fear of their families or Imams, young girls fleeing sequestered polygamous Mormon communities, Amish youths unacquainted with modern technology or struggling with their conflicts over what they've been raised to believe, people trying to cope with their family members being compromised by the church of Scientology, smaller cults like this looney bin of a church who thinks beating teens to death is God's Will, or just ordinary teens who don't know how to deal with it when their parents fly off the handle because their kids simply reject the Church.
I'm beginning to consider the idea of setting up some sort of non-profit organization, some day, to specifically help, in various ways, people who face struggles as a result of choosing to leave various strident religious communities, who need assistance in finding their way in secular it Muslim apostates fleeing in fear of their families or Imams, young girls fleeing sequestered polygamous Mormon communities, Amish youths unacquainted with modern technology or struggling with their conflicts over what they've been raised to believe, people trying to cope with their family members being compromised by the church of Scientology, smaller cults like this looney bin of a church who thinks beating teens to death is God's Will, or just ordinary teens who don't know how to deal with it when their parents fly off the handle because their kids simply reject the Church.