(December 8, 2010 at 3:30 am)Micah Wrote: Hello. This is my first official post (besides my introduction post), so I apologize if I have asked something that another thread has answered.
I just became an Atheist maybe six months ago. Anyway, I have a friend who is devoutly Christian, and he has asked me some of the following questions, which I haven't been able to answer. I am hoping to find those answers here.
1.) If someone is an Atheist and believes in materialism, how do they account for thought? Is human thought just a chemical reaction?
2.) If someone is an Atheist how do they define morality? Christianity's moral system is irrelevant to an Atheist, so how do they define what is right and wrong? Is there even a difference between right and wrong to an Atheist? If there is no creator of the universe, then there is no truth, so there can be no right and wrong for an Atheist, which means that an Atheist believes that cold blooded murder is just fine.
These are some of the things he asks me, and I am not able to defend an Atheist point of view very well. How do y'all account for human thought and morality? Thanks!
1). Yes
2). They define it without make believe submission to the make believe dictates of a make believe tyrant. There is difference between right and wrong to most atheists. Truth do not come from creator for creator is false. Some atheists naturally would murder, most would not. Many theists murder in the name of their god, including those who would not have without their god.