(December 8, 2010 at 3:30 am)Micah Wrote: If someone is an Atheist how do they define morality? Christianity's moral system is irrelevant to an Atheist, so how do they define what is right and wrong? Is there even a difference between right and wrong to an Atheist? If there is no creator of the universe, then there is no truth, so there can be no right and wrong for an Atheist, which means that an Atheist believes that cold blooded murder is just fine.
This is one of the Creationist's favorite things to trot out. How can you be moral if there is no god to tell you what is right and what is wrong?
No, atheists do not feel that cold blooded murder is "just fine". And anyone who would suggest such a thing is a complete ass. I would ask how many atheists strap bombs to their body and blow themselves up in a crowd of strangers? How many atheists fly planes full of people into buildings full of people? How many atheists watch their children die as they deny life saving medical treatment in favor of appealing to a deity? How many atheists started wars to further a religious ideology? How many atheists tortured and burned other people because they were "heretics"? You see, throughout history it is religious people who have been "just fine" with cold blooded murder, not atheists.
I would also ask if their "creator" has given us moral absolutes. The twits would probably respond that we can find our morality by looking in the Bible (they might even specifically mention the Ten Commandments). I would then ask if their deity gave us moral guidelines, why is there disagreement among devout believers about what is moral? Many issues have these people at odds with each other. Capital punishment, stem cell research, abortion, homosexuality, euthenasia, gambling, etc.... These are all issues that believers will disagree on! If there is some absolute morality, then there should be NO disagreement. You'd think their deity would be clear on this stuff, but he's not.
Finally, if some pompous believer wants to ask where you get your morality, I would simply respond by telling them that I DON"T get my morality from a book that tells me I can own slaves.
Science flies us to the moon and stars. Religion flies us into buildings.
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?
God allowed 200,000 people to die in an earthquake. So what makes you think he cares about YOUR problems?