Micah despite pointing these things out, you may be met with a 'ah but' none of these make morality objective. This is not true by the way (again see contractarianism), but is harder to expalin than the 'god did it model', unless you are an experienced ethicist. An alternative approach would be to ask questions back:
1) if god has set the moral standards, what is the objective moral truth on slavery, genocide and child abuse; all of which are condoned in the bible
2) if god has set the moral standards, what is the objective moral truth on same sex marriage, coveting wealth and atheism; all of which are condemned explicilty in the bible but all of which seem to be something that a free society should allow
3) and the meta ethical argument for atheism: If the statement god is good has any value, then morality must be independent of god. If morality is independent of god, then god is not the source of morality and god as envisaged by christianity does not exist. Therefore chrsitianity is false.
1) if god has set the moral standards, what is the objective moral truth on slavery, genocide and child abuse; all of which are condoned in the bible
2) if god has set the moral standards, what is the objective moral truth on same sex marriage, coveting wealth and atheism; all of which are condemned explicilty in the bible but all of which seem to be something that a free society should allow
3) and the meta ethical argument for atheism: If the statement god is good has any value, then morality must be independent of god. If morality is independent of god, then god is not the source of morality and god as envisaged by christianity does not exist. Therefore chrsitianity is false.
"I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence"...Doug McLeod.