(December 4, 2015 at 10:26 pm)mralstoner Wrote:
Quote:That's probably the reason right there: Islam is an ideology, yet most people don't know that, they just see you being critical and they conclude that you must be a hater, a trouble maker, the problem not the solution.
Most people have no clue about the doctrine and history of Islam, and the barbaric example of Mohammed. It's beyond their comprehension that a religion could offer paradise for being killed/martyred while fighting to defend/expand the religion. All they see is you being "hateful".
And that gets to another deep reason why people defend Islam, because if we admit that Islam is not a religion of peace, then we have to admit that Muslim immigration is a catastrophic mistake, which brings the whole edifice of Western sanity crashing down. It reveals that the Western world, at its heart, is completely insane, and there's nobody in the driver's seat. Rather, we're driving headlong over a cliff. And that's just too crazy for people to contemplate.
That's part of the reason that Obama refuses to call terrorists Islamic, because it will logically put the spotlight on Muslim immigration. But Obama identifies with brown people and Muslims, and doesn't want to stop Muslim immigration, no matter what the cost to national security.
Jesus, the zombie, says that he's going to throw everyone who doesn't believe in him into the fire. When he returns he will torture everyone, kill all life, and destroy the Earth. Is he a terrorist?