Mohamed, please provide proof of god. Provide direct evidence. Not word salad, empty arguments or your sad attempt at scientific explanation. You can't argue a god into existence.
Until that occurs god(s) will remain a fantasy created by man. That you believe in the fantasy as reality is delusion. Fantasy delusion. That you, of all people, believe that you can turn fantasy into reality is a grandeur delusion.
You are welcome to your belief. Don't make the foolish attempt to get me to believe also.
Until that occurs god(s) will remain a fantasy created by man. That you believe in the fantasy as reality is delusion. Fantasy delusion. That you, of all people, believe that you can turn fantasy into reality is a grandeur delusion.
You are welcome to your belief. Don't make the foolish attempt to get me to believe also.
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.