(January 20, 2016 at 3:28 pm)Brian37 Wrote:I could see how an ignorant man would think this (because to the ignorant all religion is the same) but in truth their are literally '99 attributes and/or names of allah and 'righteous' aint one.'(January 20, 2016 at 9:58 am)Drich Wrote: God's Law is Righteousness, Man's 'want to do' version of God's Righteousness is 'morality.'
Keeping in mind that man's 'morality' changes from culture to culture and from generation to generation. does not make what pop culture defines as 'morality' moral or right for a lack of a better term. it is simply 'right' for those in the majority..
That said without an absolute like God's standard of righteousness what keep society grounded in any sense of right and wrong? for instance what keeps a more advanced society from pushing a more primitive culture off it's lands and drives those people off the edge of extinction? Kinda like what America did with it's Indians? Or what Germany did with it's Jews? or what the world does with unborn babies it does not want.. Without some form of God's Righteousness pushing us to act in all instances, their wouldn't be Indians in America any more, Jews in Europe, or any restrictions on abortion.
So given the two choices of living under evil incarnate/man's morality and God's righteousness I choose God's righteousness and system of redemption, eternal life or not.
"Righteousness" yea and? Fans of Allah think they are "righteous" too. Sunnis and Shiites also think their god is "righteous"
Righteousness is not a foundational pillar of Islamic life.
Quote:"God's standard", yea and? Conservative Baptists and Liberal Baptists don't agree on what "God's standards" are.They can agree on a great many things concerning 'standards of God.' They simply do not understand we have the freedom to bind ourselves with laws if it is our conviction to do so.
Quote:There wouldn't be any Indians in America?not a student of history are you? The prevailing sentiment of towards the American indian was to 'convert them or kill them all.' Much like hitler's attitude with the Jews. However it was the pleas to human decency and the social experments (in which they took children and trained them to be 'white God fearing people' that planted the seed that they were indeed humans, just born into a 'bad'/different society.
Quote:First off, the Natives were here first, and Europeans invaded the continent, stole their land, killed them off, and your argument is they should be thankfull God didn't allow them all to be murdered?Strawman, no.
The argument is if we live by what society dictates/without God. the Indians would not be here, or did you not know we were putting them into camps and infecting them with small pox and starving them to death?
Quote:Secondly, the word "Indian" was a fucking mistake. It was used because Columbus thought he had reached India.So?
Who are you to take the name off the table?? I live near the Seminole INDIAN Tribe, they like most Indians prefer to have a choice as to what they call themselves. It just so happens 'folk' around here In SEMINOLE county like the term indian whatever its source.
Seem to be a common sentiment.
The problem being 'P/C' is it is a form of control. It is away to control people which is the real social evil.
Quote:Same with the Jews, how the fuck can you sit there and justify the claim of a perfect security guard who watches as 6 million Jews get murdered, and while 50 million civilians and soldiers worldwide on all sides died as a result of WW2.lol, what makes you think God is meant to off security against death? Look here sport, Death is your ultimate evil, it just so happens to be your birth into eternity. The only way Death becomes a 'bad thing' is if You fear eternity.
Quote:God, " Yea Natives, sorry about all the small pox stuff and Andrew Jackson, but buck up, at least I didn't allow my fans to murder you all".Both Holocausts were answers to the same prayer.
God, "Sorry Jews, I could have prevented the Holocaust and never let it happen at all, but buck up, at least I didn't allow all of you to die".
How warped does your logic have to get to justify such a selective deadbeat of a character? Fucking sick.
The Jews wanted/Needed their Holy Land back, further more the Holy Land is the Game board where the final plays of humanity are made.
2000 years of world history proves that the world was not just going to give the jews back their land. Yet for 2000 years this was the chief prayer of all jews. However the World demanded a HIGH cost of the holy Land and the payment was to be made in Blood and all up front. Make no mistake the Jews getting to return to Israel was only made possible by their sacrifice, the world would have it no other way. Look at WWI where the Same players divided up the world the first time (all except Japan) and the jews were not a consideration. It wasn't until the world's blood lust was satiated that they were given their land back by the then leaders of the world.
But to facilitate all of this God needed a very strong pro and antagonist. The Antagonist need the strength and resources of all of Europe and apparently north Africa to create a machine capable of processing the millions of jews it took to buy back the holy Land from the world. Likewise the protagonist needed vast natural resources to defeat this machine once the payment of the Jews was made. Because once started the machine used to kill the jews would not stop with just them. So their needed to be a country with the money and natural resources equal or greater than those of all of Europe and North Africa. But here lies another problem Resources of this nation given the original native peoples beliefs would not allow to be accessed. Which is why they lived just outside of their own personal stoneage until forced to contend with 'the white man' who was bent on taking (via his own pop morality at the time) So God allowed that introduction far enough back so that this continent would be ready to stop 'that' war.