Does the behavior reveal itself in the branch's performance? If so, brow beat them and make comparisons to other branch's plainly visible. To whatever extent you have the influence, there should be consequences for substandard performance. It's the only way to completely sidestep the politics of it all.
If they perform despite the shenanigans, then you're left dealing with a purely political issue. I haven't read the first of RD's links, but have read Greene's '48 Laws of Power' and highly recommend it. Prior to reading it, I was a bit naive regarding office politics and dealing with the types of personalities you describe. Greene's book, if nothing more, at least allowed me to re-frame what was going on around me. Since, I have been able to identify the gambits and better manage them for what they are rather than continue to be frustrated by someone's cuntish behavior.
If they perform despite the shenanigans, then you're left dealing with a purely political issue. I haven't read the first of RD's links, but have read Greene's '48 Laws of Power' and highly recommend it. Prior to reading it, I was a bit naive regarding office politics and dealing with the types of personalities you describe. Greene's book, if nothing more, at least allowed me to re-frame what was going on around me. Since, I have been able to identify the gambits and better manage them for what they are rather than continue to be frustrated by someone's cuntish behavior.