(May 20, 2016 at 7:49 pm)Jörmungandr Wrote:(May 20, 2016 at 7:28 pm)AAA Wrote: Yeah, you're right that shannon information is just a measure of probability, but the information in DNA is not only improbable. It also has the impressive ability to lead to functional enzymes.
It's pretty clear that there is an end in mind when glucagon binds to a membrane receptor. It leads to the activation of a G-protein, which activates adenylate cyclase, which produces cAMP, which activates protein kinase A, which activates phosphorylase kinase, which activates glycogen phosphorylase, which degrades glycogen into glucose so the body can respond to low blood glucose. It absolutely has a goal in mind. Obviously cells aren't conscious, but there is intention. I don't think it's subjective opinion to say that the cell intends to break down glycogen when glucagon is present.
The question was what objective features indicate design. Purpose isn't an objective feature of a biological organism, so all you're doing is introducing a red herring. Clouds have a purpose in the hydrological cycle if we are simply accepting purpose as a synonym for function. But nobody would argue that clouds are designed. Function is the role that a mechanical piece plays in the model of operation of a system. Evolution can result in biological structures playing roles in systems, so once again you've simply denied the role that evolution can play.
You aren't identifying features that characterize design, you're identifying things you find hard to believe are explained by evolution. That's not a feature of a biological structure. It's a measure of your skepticism concerning the capacity of evolution.
Do you have a measure of design other than improbability? For the reasons shown, improbability is insufficient as an indicator of design.
Clouds form inevitably. Any cloud that forms will have the same function. This is definitely not the case if we are talking about biology and enzymes. Self-organizational models have failed to say that life inevitably forms. On top of that, life allows for intense communication. The analogy would be more adequate if you said that there had to be cloud 1 with a certain shape that could fit together with cloud 2 so that they could produce a signal that had the specific shape that allowed it to interact with cloud 3, which then binds to cloud 4, 5, and 6, which causes them to rain.
I am identifying features that are characteristic of intelligent design based on our experience. Electrical communication,sequential information, and the ability to process information are characteristics found in two places only: life and systems that we have designed. Intelligence is the only known cause capable of leading to these things.
And yes on top of that I am extremely skeptical that evolution can lead to them. I don't think you realize what you are requiring mutation and natural selection to do.