(April 21, 2011 at 1:54 pm)reverendjeremiah Wrote: Another thing, Jesus does not say that some believers will have some signs, and others will have others. Jesus is VERY specific that those who believe, and are baptised, will be able to do ALL of the signs ALL of the time. Not some times, not just on Sundays. He doesnt say "SOME will lay on hands and SOME will cast out devils." Jesus is very specific in his list. Jesus is also very unambiguous (well, except for the "tongues" part).
After reading the verses, it seems to me that they are being addressed only to a specific group of Christians who lived during that time, not for ALL times. There is nothing to indicate that all Christians have to do those things. Rather, it says "they shall" cast out devils, take up servants, drink deadly things, and speak in new tongues.
The word "they" doesn't necessarily mean "all" Christians, does it?
Mark 16:15-20 Wrote:And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
And this is in past tense, which means that the verse is describing certain events which already happened. Therefore, it is more reasonable to look at all of this from a historical context.