(July 8, 2016 at 3:09 pm)Safirno Wrote: I happend to be a bisexual. And i know my limit. I hope to read the compendium and catechism of the catholic church, i pray and stuff. So i am not a selfhating person, i love all of me, and i am not closeted as you see. What i do know is homosexuality degenerates you psychologically, so having god to turn to is good.
Let me know what your thoughts are?
I'm not sure what you mean by "degenerates you psychologically". Homosexuals are not degenerates, but just individuals who have a sexual desire for members of their own sex. Most of the time it is not by choice. According to christian teaching homosexual activity is wrong and, therefore, as a christian you should pursue a sexual relationship with a partner of the opposite sex within marriage.