I cant see how anyone could possibly question Jesus’s existence, the bibles, the millions of books that were written, the records that were kept still remain to this day, just not the their original format.
You could question the miracles, that’s fair enough, or question the crucifixion and the resurrection yes, but his existence, there shouldn’t be any doubt.
1billion people wouldn’t be following a fictional character and a fictional character would not be one of the, if not THE most influential person ever to grace this earth.
It’s a well known fact that when the romans adopted Christianity in order to make it their own, they re-wrote the bible, added a lot of fantasy and metaphorical ideas which later people started taking as literal meanings ie son of god, died for our sins, the trinity etc.
They collected and burned the original aromaic bibles, and possession was punishable by death. Segments of some of these earlier bibles have been recovered but they are never properly translated or published since it clashes greatly with modern Christianity.
Athiests are fixed on asking for ‘Evidence’ in order to prove gods/jesus existence, yet nearly everything you believe yourself doesn’t have any evidence to support it, it all depende on how you perceive evidence.
To you guys, an apes skull from 1million years ago is evidence of ape-human evolution, which if looked at logically, is a much further stretch for the evidence then that of the bible and jesus.
I am a muslim, so I don’t believe in the resurrection, so I wouldn’t take any of those claims seriously, nor do I believe he died for our sins, he was sent as a mercy and a message to mankind, as with every other prophet ie moses, Abraham, but he didn’t de for our sins.
It would be almost impossible to prove Jesus, or moses existence physically as you request, since your going back pretty far in history for any organic material to be preserved, most buildings from those days dnt stand today, everythings been blown up and rebuilt hundreds of times over since then.
There are very early Christian books which exist in Palestinian libraries that date back 2000yrs, not long after jesus died. But these books are generally not publicized by the church since they exclude all the roman ideology from the bible. There is a BBC documentary on youtube about the contents of these books. No resurrection, no trinity, no holy ghosts and spirits, no son of god either….
You atheists are so adamant on proofs, yet you fail to observe any proofs for your own beliefs.
Ie according to professor hawkings, IF the expansion rate of the universe after the big bang (or beginning of time) had varied by 0.00000000000000000001% then stars could not form. Too slow and the universe would cave in on itself too fast and matter would have scattered everywhere, don’t forget gravity is a VERY week force.
Mathematically and scientifically this is not an act of a random explosion, it IS a controlled explosion, but controlled by who?
You believe intelligence and life somehow manifested itself into innate matter, the earyth was made of rocks, water, and metals, how could these molecules have interacted that caused them to intelligently think for themselves and form more complex molecules which can perform specific tasks.
This intelligence has reached as far what we are today, extremely complex organisms made of millions of different types of micro organisms, each and every one dependant on the other.
Can any atheists in here prove to me or show me evidence of how dead matter could suddenly start forming ‘living’ beings and possess intelligence?
Look around you and observe what you see, shit on the ground which has grown into trees and plants, then that matter transforms itself into animals, and that animals matter can transfer state into another animal and so on and so forth.
Then when that matter dies, it is reborn as new life. And it isn’t a small amount of matter, its ALL over earth, matter which thinks for itself…
It seems that this life and intelligence is so adamant on foring newer and more complex life forms, then why has this intelligence in the matter not manifested itself on other planets?
You say because there is no liquid water or amino acids, but explain to me the significance of these elements in creating intelligence?> what is the source of intelligence?
The fantasy scenarios you guys believe in is far more fictional and absurd than ANY religion.
You could question the miracles, that’s fair enough, or question the crucifixion and the resurrection yes, but his existence, there shouldn’t be any doubt.
1billion people wouldn’t be following a fictional character and a fictional character would not be one of the, if not THE most influential person ever to grace this earth.
It’s a well known fact that when the romans adopted Christianity in order to make it their own, they re-wrote the bible, added a lot of fantasy and metaphorical ideas which later people started taking as literal meanings ie son of god, died for our sins, the trinity etc.
They collected and burned the original aromaic bibles, and possession was punishable by death. Segments of some of these earlier bibles have been recovered but they are never properly translated or published since it clashes greatly with modern Christianity.
Athiests are fixed on asking for ‘Evidence’ in order to prove gods/jesus existence, yet nearly everything you believe yourself doesn’t have any evidence to support it, it all depende on how you perceive evidence.
To you guys, an apes skull from 1million years ago is evidence of ape-human evolution, which if looked at logically, is a much further stretch for the evidence then that of the bible and jesus.
I am a muslim, so I don’t believe in the resurrection, so I wouldn’t take any of those claims seriously, nor do I believe he died for our sins, he was sent as a mercy and a message to mankind, as with every other prophet ie moses, Abraham, but he didn’t de for our sins.
It would be almost impossible to prove Jesus, or moses existence physically as you request, since your going back pretty far in history for any organic material to be preserved, most buildings from those days dnt stand today, everythings been blown up and rebuilt hundreds of times over since then.
There are very early Christian books which exist in Palestinian libraries that date back 2000yrs, not long after jesus died. But these books are generally not publicized by the church since they exclude all the roman ideology from the bible. There is a BBC documentary on youtube about the contents of these books. No resurrection, no trinity, no holy ghosts and spirits, no son of god either….
You atheists are so adamant on proofs, yet you fail to observe any proofs for your own beliefs.
Ie according to professor hawkings, IF the expansion rate of the universe after the big bang (or beginning of time) had varied by 0.00000000000000000001% then stars could not form. Too slow and the universe would cave in on itself too fast and matter would have scattered everywhere, don’t forget gravity is a VERY week force.
Mathematically and scientifically this is not an act of a random explosion, it IS a controlled explosion, but controlled by who?
You believe intelligence and life somehow manifested itself into innate matter, the earyth was made of rocks, water, and metals, how could these molecules have interacted that caused them to intelligently think for themselves and form more complex molecules which can perform specific tasks.
This intelligence has reached as far what we are today, extremely complex organisms made of millions of different types of micro organisms, each and every one dependant on the other.
Can any atheists in here prove to me or show me evidence of how dead matter could suddenly start forming ‘living’ beings and possess intelligence?
Look around you and observe what you see, shit on the ground which has grown into trees and plants, then that matter transforms itself into animals, and that animals matter can transfer state into another animal and so on and so forth.
Then when that matter dies, it is reborn as new life. And it isn’t a small amount of matter, its ALL over earth, matter which thinks for itself…
It seems that this life and intelligence is so adamant on foring newer and more complex life forms, then why has this intelligence in the matter not manifested itself on other planets?
You say because there is no liquid water or amino acids, but explain to me the significance of these elements in creating intelligence?> what is the source of intelligence?
The fantasy scenarios you guys believe in is far more fictional and absurd than ANY religion.