Here, f*cknut - I took the liberty of translating your hateful, nonsensical, conspiracy-mongering horse-sh*t into Gungan, so that you can see for yourself what your pitiful masturbatory efforts look like to normal people, who are not evil, brainwashed, goat-f*cking nut-jobs.
This is you. Enjoy.
This is you. Enjoy.
(August 28, 2016 at 3:46 am)Harris Wrote: every liven been a conscious independent been which has senses of pain and pleasure. bodily sensations of pain and pleasure can besa seen as a formen of awareness of da states and properties of one’s ownen body. such awareness maken people capable to analysen behaviour of a liven been in terms of seeken pleasure and avoiden pain.
animals normally considered in conscious states but wit da lack of capacity to besa introspectively aware of themselves. apparently, daysa no formen beliefs about what conscious states daysa in, per daysa lack da requisite concepts to do so. therefore, daysa thought to besa blinden wit respect to their ownen self.
manen, on da other side has an introspective awareness of his ownen conscious staten dat made tup of a belief dat emerges out of da direct acquaintance wit conscious staten.
introspective awareness of da conscious self plays a unique cognitive role in da understanden of morality. morality can besa seen as relationship between pleasure and pain, goodness and evil, and sensations of right and wrong. these ideas serven a fundamental concept of self which usually different from da conceptions of other individuals.
da power of introspective awareness basically da causen of feelings of self-respect dat render fulfilment of any desire as contributeon to self-interest. every manen respects da authority of his ownen individual in determinen which experiences maken his life gos more good. if narrowly plansa, a life of pleasurable sensateon more good per da person even if una does not preferen it. disa idea, in general, tempts people to overwhelm generally accepted moral standards usen their alluren desires and consequently getsa involve in wishful plansa and believen in sometten about themselves dat lacks adequaten evidence because daysa wanten their seductive beliefs to besa true. been under da influencen of tempten and attractive desires people tryen to avoiden any discomfort from conflicten thoughts about their ownen self-image by turnen their attentions to other matters or in sceptical plansa daysa tryen to construct hypotheses on da fly to prove weakness of da evidence dat conflicts wit their self-image. arguably, daysa can practicen self-decepteon about their motives and reasons to favour their dear desires.
when a person lacks control over his desires, inner conflict often results in da victory of evil over good. his actions may stem from appetites or desires dat not properly ruled by some more high parten of da self.
as dalee a propensity to evil deep in all people therefore, in some cases people too quick to maken tup their minds to take an unjustified acteon because their appetites too bimbam. da wicked among such people neglect da incentive of respect per moral law altogether; even when daysa act in accord wit da moral law, daysa do da right then per da wrong reasons and so corrupt in their cast of mind.
uncontrollable desires can easily lead people to hedonism which da doctrine dat pleasure da good. hedonism has usually been viewed as self-indulgence so da behaviour of a hedonist morally susceptible. unscrupulous hedonism da causen of immoral acts such as theft which brings pleasure tada thief but pain tada victim.
intentional activities of hedonists and their motivated processes of avoiden unpleasant truths result in their mental states of ignorance, false beliefs, unwarranted attitudes, and inappropriaten emotions which objectionable because dat give hedonists a way to camouflages and supporten their greed, cruelty and other forms of wrongdoings. their tactics also includen rationalization, wilful ignorance, and systematic ignoren. another strategy dat unscrupulous hedonists may put into acteon da distorteon of standards of rationality for false belief by exaggeraten favourable evidences per what people wanten to believe, disregarden contrary evidences, and resten content wit minimal evidence per pleasen beliefs.
collective of unscrupulous hedonists sharen false beliefs and unwarranted attitudes dat provocative and contentious. such collective tends to abuse and degrade morality by da usen of debauchery as rhetorical weapon dat undermines tolerance. daysa encouragen insult per moralists based on malice and endanger commonly accepted standards of morality. when motives and consequences evil dat reducen unscrupulous hedonists into representatives of cruelty and callous moral negligence.
a lack of percepteon or feelen per others, lyen off da scale of da ethical, in da formen of a brutality or beastliness virtually falls out of da category of da hisen. disrespect inherently vicious and emphasizes da animal aspects of hisen life. among evil or vicious motivations, a basic typen cruelty which da desire to causen sufferen a dispositeon which contrasts markedly wit brutality. such cruel behaviour directly an attempted expresseon of power.
maliciousness another formen of evil which da desire dat other people’s happiness should not existen. normally, people in disa staten of mind getsa pleased if others come to grief, even though daysa no bren it about themselves.
both brutality and maliciousness parts of da charactah of unscrupulous hedonists. people who cleverly conceal their dishonesty, dalee nosa argument da moralist can providen likely to changen their minds.
wealth, possession, and power which were acquired by means of deceptive deeds mainly causen superiority complex and arrogance in da behaviour of unscrupulous hedonist. however, in reality, posh lifestyle of a deceiver only a hollow ostentateon because at da foundateon unscrupulous hedonist remains a cunnen wicked thief who masters in stealen by exploiten forbidden practices. da main secret behind his successes in fact da antipathy of general public against immoral, harmful, and notorious activities dat leave nosa rival in da field who may competen da unscrupulous hedonist in his destructive activities. without facen competiteon culprit da ken of felonious world.
in disa article me have brought to light only few aspects to elucidaten why peaceful people turnen into detrimental beasts. me recommend yousa to watchen followen duey videos which maken emphasis on what strokes and tactics evil doers embrace to maken their success ultimaten.
da first video in fact an audio booken “the illustrated protocols of zeon. ” disa booken gives a blue printen dat perpetrators had drawn to systematically annihilaten unique ethnicities of da world.
second video a brief history of devastations dat organised criminals brought tada christian world. it also provides an insight tada ongoen miseries in da muslim world.
“the jews sayen: "(allah)'s handen tied tup. " besa their hands tied tup and besa daysa accursed per da (blasphemy) daysa uttah. nay, both his hands widely outstretched: hesa giveth and spendeth (of his bounty) as hesa pleaseth. but da revelateon dat cometh to thee from allah increaseth in most of themsa their obstinaten rebelleon and blasphemy. amongst themsa wesa have placed enmity and hatred till da day of judgment. every timen daysa kindle da opadda of war, allah doth extinguish it; but daysa (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. and allah loveth not those who do mischief. ”
al maidah (5)
-verse 64-
“a rabbi debates guds and defeats him. guds admits da rabbi won da debaten. ”
baba mezia 59b
“since guds already gave da torah tada jewish people on mt. sinai wesa nosa more long pay attenteon to heavenly voices. guds must submit tada decisions of a majority vote of da rabbis. ”
bt bava metzia 59b
“the decisions of da talmud words of da liven guds. jehovah himself asks da opinions of earthly rabbis when dalee difficult affairs in heaven. ”
rabbi menachen, comments per da fifth booken
source of talmudic quotes:
http://goyimgazette. com/truth-talmud/
“human reality da pure effort to become guds without dalee been any given substratum per dat effort, without dalee been anytten which so endeavours. desire expresses disa endeavour. ”
page 576
been and nothingness
jean-paul sartre
“thus, freedom a choice of been guds and all acts, all projects translaten disa choice and reflecten it in a thousand and una ways, per dalee an infinity of ways of been and of ways of haven. ”
page 599
been and nothingness
jean-paul sartre
me prayen to allah to saven all of humanity from da agony dat deadly parasite fetchen in formen of a swiftly swellen cancer.
"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one." - George Bernard Shaw