Talk about “parading ignorance”, you logically can’t use small changes to prove common descent. It’s affirming the consequent and is a form of invalid logic. You are just like the guy who says,
1. When I eat pizza I feel full.
2. I feel full.
3. Therefore I ate pizza.
So no matter how hard you try and prove you feel full, this in no logical way proves you ate pizza. No matter how many small changes you point to in animals, it in no way proves that common descent happened. I am sorry to rain on your illogical parade.
Again, equivocation. Point to a Creationist who does not agree with the fact that natural selection happens all the time.
That may or may not be the case (see above for the logical problems with this mindset). There are some huge information theory hurdles you’d have to jump before you could make an assertion like that. It’s going to take a lot more than a few elephants losing their tusks, that’s for sure.