Quote:1 – What is your age, gender, location?
In my 30s, M, Australia
Quote:2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
Daily ... putting aside week or month-long breaks away from the forum here and there.
Quote:3 - Do you ever meet any other members IRL/AFK (Away From Keyboard)? If so, in what context (other atheist group meetings/socials, other shared hobbies or interests unrelated to atheism)?
I used to meet, IRL, people from certain forums, but this was in the past, and I don't do this anymore. Too socially anxious for this.
Quote:4 - Do you feel Atheist Forums offers a sense of community?
Sort of, but not quite.
Quote:5 - Do you have any access to an IRL/AFK atheist community? If so, how does it differ from what you get out of Atheist Forums?
No I don't.
Quote:6 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face? Has participation here made it easier for you to talk about belief, perhaps helped you prepare for such conversations?
Yes (IRL I can be selectively mute under certain circumstances), and sort of (I've always had no problem discussing philosophical and religious topics IRL).
Quote:7 – Does being part of Atheist Forums affect your offline social life? If yes, how?
I don't think so. My social life is shit regardless. The only "social" life I have is with girlfriend and family.
Quote:8 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than just offline?
I'm sure there's a downside. There always is. Just can't think of one right now.
Quote:9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in Atheist Forums?
I don't get to hear people yelling when they're arguing passionately about stuff.
Quote:10 – Do you communicate with any Atheist Forums member via off-forum messaging service (Messenger, Skype, Whatsapp)? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?
Quote:12 – Any other comments or thoughts?
This was fun.