(October 13, 2016 at 2:12 am)racingboo Wrote: 1 – What is your age, gender, location?
Age: 22. Gender: Male. Location: Stevenage, Hertfordshire.
Quote:2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum?
Every day. My activity has waxed and waned and I had a 2-month break from AF earlier this year, but lately I'm posting a little more partially due to being made a moderator.
Quote:3 - Do you ever meet any other members IRL/AFK (Away From Keyboard)? If so, in what context (other atheist group meetings/socials, other shared hobbies or interests unrelated to atheism)?
No, but there are a select few who I'd like to meet up with.
Quote:4 - Do you feel Atheist Forums offers a sense of community?
Most certainly - I count several people here among my closest friends despite having never physically met them. Certain recent events have shown me the overal strength of this community.
Quote:5 - Do you have any access to an IRL/AFK atheist community? If so, how does it differ from what you get out of Atheist Forums?
No, and I probably wouldn't be interested in one. I joined AF when I was somewhat a more 'militant' atheist, now I hardly discuss religion and mainly lurk in A69 talk about off-topic stuff.
Quote:6 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face? Has participation here made it easier for you to talk about belief, perhaps helped you prepare for such conversations?
It has its pros and cons. I can be less impulsive and more thoughtful in my responses here than I am IRL. But it can also be limiting in how well I can fully articulate my emotions and thoughts - I'm quite a physical person when I communicate, so losing that element can make things a little more difficult to convey where I'm coming from at times.
Quote:7 – Does being part of Atheist Forums affect your offline social life? If yes, how?
Yes, a bit, for a variety of reasons. I sometimes get worried about the well-being of other members and that can leave me a little distracted. Sometimes there's just a really juicy conversation going on and I keep compulsively following it when I'm out
Quote:8 - Do you think there's a downside to communicating online rather than just offline?
I'd very much like to either hug or slap some members on here, conveying this is text form can be a little limiting at times.
Quote:9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in Atheist Forums?
The fairly huge community means topics are discussed with quite a lot of intensity and speed, and generally with a relaxed, humourous approach. Not too many people have a stick up their arse here, thankfully.
Quote:10 – Do you communicate with any Atheist Forums member via off-forum messaging service (Messenger, Skype, Whatsapp)? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk?
A few through Skype, a couple through Facebook, one or two through the new Slack channel. Usually daily to weekly, and a mixture between in-depth and small talk. Sometimes I'm checking up on how they are, sometimes I'm engrossed in a discussion about the cosmos and the nature of reality and our place in it.
Quote:12 – Any other comments or thoughts?
Good luck with your project, I hope you get good grades
If you have any serious concerns, are being harassed, or just need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me via PM