My brother sometimes mentions a service that edits movies for language and content to make them 'acceptable' viewing.
I am very fond of the more colorful side of language, but am very conscious of my surroundings in public. I won't use certain language when there's a reasonable chance it will be overheard, particularly when pre-teens are around; think airplanes and restaurants. If I'm at a concert or an adult only venue like a bar I'll let fly. If someone brings kids into these environments with an expectation of no foul language, fuck 'em.
I am very fond of the more colorful side of language, but am very conscious of my surroundings in public. I won't use certain language when there's a reasonable chance it will be overheard, particularly when pre-teens are around; think airplanes and restaurants. If I'm at a concert or an adult only venue like a bar I'll let fly. If someone brings kids into these environments with an expectation of no foul language, fuck 'em.