You are severely missing the point. Atheists do not believe in any judgment after their death. It is this belief that drove those to commit their atrocities. If a person believes they can do whatever they want that is exactly what many will do. Stalin didn’t believe he’d ever be held accountable for his actions, which was a direct result of his atheism. No you guys don’t run around telling people to commit genocide, but you also have no basis to tell them not to and that is what is scary.
Talk about trying to have it both ways, and then you turn around and say the people in the inquisition were Christians. A Christian by definition is someone who believes Christ was the Messiah and follow his teachings. So where did Christ say to do those sorts of things? I can claim I am a Muslim and do all sorts of things, but without actually ascribing to the same beliefs as Muslims I am not really one now am I?
Oh wow, so wearing a cross makes you a Christian now does it? Ozzy wears one, is he a Christian? Again, a Christian is someone who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ, where did Jesus teach to kill Muslims? Until you can point me to that, your argument is rather ridiculous.
I figured you’d whine about that even though you never seem to whine when the atheists on here cite Wikipedia which of course is also not a scholarly source. The Cambodian Genocide Group has the exact same figure, 1.7 million people. They are considered the foremost expert on what happened over there so I think my argument still stands.
You seem to forget that dropping those bombs completely prevented a land invasion which would have killed many more men, women, and children. Millions of soviet soldiers died when Germany invaded, I am glad we prevented that from happening to our troops.
It’s not that I didn’t like your answer; in fact it was the answer I expected. It was just not a logical answer. I never said we have a monopoly on being good, I said we have the only logical basis for doing so because we have an inerrant law giver. I love you Shell, but c’mon :-D