(October 26, 2016 at 10:56 am)Alasdair Ham Wrote: How about another angle. Suppose someone is a legal adult, let's say well into adulthood at 35 years of age. Let's also say they are 100% psychologically mature (capable of consenting).
However let's say that despite being fully grown in height and size they have a condition where they haven't gone through puberty and they are therefore not biologically sexually mature.
If they consent is it immoral to have sex with this fully psychologically developed fully grown 35 year old if they aren't biologically sexually mature? If it is immoral then biological sexual maturity is most definitely a factor and not just consenting, psychological maturity and legality. If it is not immoral then biological sexual maturity is most definitely not a factor.
Psychological development is dependant upon the maturing biological development of the the brain so they could have a biologically sexually mature brain just not secondary sexual characteristics.
Consent is based upon a mature brain not body.
If water rots the soles of your boots, what does it do to your intestines?