(October 29, 2016 at 6:59 am)Mariosep Wrote: Primordial says or asks (#299):
"Hmmm...what if ancient civilizations created the idea of God, or any deity, in order to explain the natural world because they lacked the tools and/or expertise to do it correctly, and accurately?"
No, they did not create the idea of God, but they thought on truths, facts, logic, and their then history of ideas, as well as they knew of their world, and by their reason and intelligence came to the conclusion that God exists, in concept as first and foremost the creator and operator of their universe then, and man, and everything with a beginning.
You see, dear atheist colleagues, you always conflate God with religion, but God if you are thinking without anger and hate and spite and all negative and destructive unruly passions, you will know that God is greater nth times than religion.
Now, religions are thought up by enterprising persons who although in good faith still they love to control other folks who are not as sharp as they are, and what more effective and most economical way of controlling other fellow humans who don't have the time and patience to think things out for themselves, than that they these enterprising persons tell fellow humans that only their teachings about God and what God wants them to do and to not do are to be taken seriously, else God will be unhappy with them.
That is why I call myself a liberal protestant because I don't ascribe to any organized church with professional clergymen who live on and by and from and through us, in most cases comfortably and honorably.
I am a Christian by choice today, and in particular because I DO see the usefulness of a religion and church workers for a lot of social rites of passage and other things in society, which these folks provide conveniently - but in the core, I can do by myself any religion I care to work out by myself for myself: YET it is very convenient and practical to have these religion and church professionals around.
But I decide what to take to be truths, facts, logic, and what in the history of ideas I will adhere to, and what I will practice in interacting with God, starting with telling God:
"God, You are in concept first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning, all hail to You!"
What I do for a religion is my own DIY religion that is of course predominantly Christian in orientation, and why not?
Have you ever noticed that Christianity has 2000 years of humanities, which improved the life of humans better than any other religions in the world. even factoring in all the evils of the Christian churches and professional workers?
So, atheists thought that with breaking away from and against what I call Christendom, things will be better for mankind in the West and also in the East, what is the consequence?
Two World Wars, spawning the cruelty and enormity of loss of lives and destruction of the monuments of civilization and culture, never before witnessed in man's history since the dawn of consciousness and use of reason.
So, dear atheist colleagues, take away from God your hate, and spite and ignoble anger arising from fear, and address yourselves to the men who found and operate churches, to convince them to do a better and nobler work with their zeal to bring mankind to better and better standards of life and common attachment to each other from genuine love and care for all.
Do you ever take notice that I keep mentioning the phrase first and foremost, in my concept of God, namely, God in concept is FIRST AND FOREMOST the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning?
Because if God is not first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning, I will be the first one to do without Him, to snub Him even.
And no, I do not care to bring you to God, but I have this peculiar to myself intellectual addiction to find delight with examining how you atheists do not think at all on truths, facts, logic, and the history of ideas, do not dwell on reason and intelligence, but all the time you impassionate - that is the word I form with adding the prefix im and the suffix ate, this is the second time I am using the word impassionate, it is the diametrically opposite of ratiocinate
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verb formal
verb: ratiocinate; 3rd person present: ratiocinates; past tense: ratiocinated; past participle: ratiocinated; gerund or present participle: ratiocinating
form judgments by a process of logic; reason.
mid 17th century: from Latin ratiocinat- ‘deliberated, calculated,’ from the verb ratiocinari, from ratio (see ratio).
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So, dear atheist colleagues, let us continue to exchange thoughts, grounding ourselves on truths, facts, logic, and the history of ideas, with our reason and intelligence. all and always ratiocinating and nothing of impassionating.
bold mine
Wow, you said it again and again and again. With every time those words gain more weight and worth. Keep it up. I'm sure you're winning us over.
Come on, say it again. Please!
Being told you're delusional does not necessarily mean you're mental.