Dear atheist colleagues, please: I am asking you to prove the existence of atoms, in order that you will experience what and how it is to prove something to exist in objective reality outside of concepts in your mind.
You see, dear atheist colleagues, you cannot comprehend my proof of God existing unless you have experienced proving something to exist, like I suggest the existence of atoms, or if you prefer something else of your own choice.
I see you, dear atheist colleagues, to be altogether blind to the distinction between the world in our mind of concepts, and the world outside our mind of objects which are independent of our mind and the concepts in our mind: so that if we do not exist or we lose our mind, as when a person becomes unconscious or may I say, insane, the reality of existence of everything continues to prevail in the what I call default status of things in the totality of reality which is existence.
Because of this failure to be cognizant of the distinction between the world of thoughts, concepts, imagination, etc. in our mind, and the world independent of our mind outside of our mind or may I say, brain, you can and do woefully merge them together: as to think that you are catching me in a fallacy of affirming the existence of the thing still to be proven to exist.
You see, dear atheist colleagues, you woefully or miserably conflate the enunciation of a concept for the affirmation of existence of the object corresponding to the concept in our mind - of the object.
And this concept of the object has to do with the objective existence of God, namely, that in concept God is first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning - mind you that is a thought, a concept, a proposition, etc., all in my mind, that is not any kind of affirmation that God already exists from the concept all by itself in our mind.
God's existence is still going to be proven with us going out to the objective reality of existence outside our mind, to look for evidence for the existence of God, evidence such as all instances of causation whereby one thing brings about the existence of another thing, for example, think or observe that we all are caused i.e. brought into existence by our parents.
And from that evidence like human procreation of fellow humans, babies, we infer to the existence of the first and ultimate cause of causes (intermediary causes), which cause of causes corresponds (careful now at this point, not to get all oblivious to the distinction between the world in our mind and the world outside our mind) to the concept of God, in our mind or my mind if you will, which concept says that in concept God is first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning.
Can you comprehend what I am telling you all the time, with my mention all the time the phrase, existence outside of concepts in our mind.
Keep attentive however, dear atheist colleagues, to the fact that without a mind and the concepts we have in our mind, we are not humans but at most robots created by computer engineers, and there are human persons who conduct themselves like robots, regrettably, owing to their rote memory of things they have been inculcated on by their master ideologues.
Hope you find this explanation to be efficacious in opening up your mind to the distinction between the world in our mind, and the world of objective reality of existence outside and independent of our mind, but we need our mind to know about the world outside our mind.
You see, dear atheist colleagues, you cannot comprehend my proof of God existing unless you have experienced proving something to exist, like I suggest the existence of atoms, or if you prefer something else of your own choice.
I see you, dear atheist colleagues, to be altogether blind to the distinction between the world in our mind of concepts, and the world outside our mind of objects which are independent of our mind and the concepts in our mind: so that if we do not exist or we lose our mind, as when a person becomes unconscious or may I say, insane, the reality of existence of everything continues to prevail in the what I call default status of things in the totality of reality which is existence.
Because of this failure to be cognizant of the distinction between the world of thoughts, concepts, imagination, etc. in our mind, and the world independent of our mind outside of our mind or may I say, brain, you can and do woefully merge them together: as to think that you are catching me in a fallacy of affirming the existence of the thing still to be proven to exist.
You see, dear atheist colleagues, you woefully or miserably conflate the enunciation of a concept for the affirmation of existence of the object corresponding to the concept in our mind - of the object.
And this concept of the object has to do with the objective existence of God, namely, that in concept God is first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning - mind you that is a thought, a concept, a proposition, etc., all in my mind, that is not any kind of affirmation that God already exists from the concept all by itself in our mind.
God's existence is still going to be proven with us going out to the objective reality of existence outside our mind, to look for evidence for the existence of God, evidence such as all instances of causation whereby one thing brings about the existence of another thing, for example, think or observe that we all are caused i.e. brought into existence by our parents.
And from that evidence like human procreation of fellow humans, babies, we infer to the existence of the first and ultimate cause of causes (intermediary causes), which cause of causes corresponds (careful now at this point, not to get all oblivious to the distinction between the world in our mind and the world outside our mind) to the concept of God, in our mind or my mind if you will, which concept says that in concept God is first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning.
Can you comprehend what I am telling you all the time, with my mention all the time the phrase, existence outside of concepts in our mind.
Keep attentive however, dear atheist colleagues, to the fact that without a mind and the concepts we have in our mind, we are not humans but at most robots created by computer engineers, and there are human persons who conduct themselves like robots, regrettably, owing to their rote memory of things they have been inculcated on by their master ideologues.
Hope you find this explanation to be efficacious in opening up your mind to the distinction between the world in our mind, and the world of objective reality of existence outside and independent of our mind, but we need our mind to know about the world outside our mind.
click page 1 to see the proof in OP Mariosep Wrote:This is my proof for God existing.
1. Formulate the information of the concept of God, thus:
"God in concept is first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning."
2. Look for instances of causation in reality outside of concepts in our mind.
3. We find countless examples of causation in reality outside of concepts in our mind.
4. From the countless instances of causation in reality, we infer to the existence of a first and ultimate cause.
5. We find that the first and ultimate cause of all instances of causation in reality corresponds to our information on the concept of God, namely, the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning.
6. Conclusion: God exists in concept as first and foremost the creator and operator of the universe and man and everything with a beginning.