More help for the corporate whores from their GOP lapdogs.
Be careful what you eat!
You do have to admit that when these bastards buy republicans they get what they pay for.
Be careful what you eat!
Quote:Arguing that the U.S. food supply is 99 percent safe, House Republicans cut millions of dollars Thursday from the Food and Drug Administration’s budget, denying the agency money to implement landmark food safety laws approved by the last Congress.
Saying the cuts were needed to lower the national deficit, the House also reduced funding to the Agriculture Department’s food safety inspection service, which oversees meat, poultry and some egg products. And lawmakers chopped $832 million from an emergency feeding program for poor mothers, infants and children. Hunger groups said that change would deny emergency nutrition to about 325,000 mothers and children.
You do have to admit that when these bastards buy republicans they get what they pay for.