My parents are Pentacostal. They switched from Catholicism when I was a teen. One brother is Pentecostal and one a deacon in the Baptist church. My first wife was a hippy and was a hippy spiritual type and so is our daughter. I was too when we were married. My son is an atheist (He says he is a "Bigger atheist" than me. OK.) My second wife is Pentecostal all the way (We are divorced but not for religious reasons). Our daughter is also Pentecostal. My parents brothers and sisters are still mostly Catholic. But I think one of my Uncles is atheist , hard to tell ...He has been fucking with my head since I was a kid.....Great chess player, master strategist..He might be trying to rope me into some kind of philosophical entanglement..would not put it past him.
God thinks it's fun to confuse primates. Larsen's God!