Firstly, I was a christian for 14 years. Believe me, I was that much of a believer where I met the requirements to be "granted" proof of a deity (Allah, God, Yahweh). It never happened. I realized that "proof", like "answered prayers" are just coincidences, and things such as "seeing god in clouds/nature" are just you interpreting a certain look in nature for your own personal satisfaction.
Secondly, I love myself because my life matters. After this life, there is nothing. No afterlife, no reincarnation, nothing. That's why I seek to have fulfillment in my life via service to my fellow man, exploring interests, and building connections. I see no need to concern myself with going to church, tithing, or other man-made constructs. I don't have time for it.
And lastly, nature's beauty, I would argue, logically disproves a God. With all that we know about our universe and planet, the though of a single creator is simply preposterous. Some muslims believe the earth is flat, on top of the fact that one Authentic Hadith narrated by Abu Duha ibn Sabih talks about how the earth is on the back of a whale. Please research your own religion.
- Will, the dude with a rocket launcher.
Secondly, I love myself because my life matters. After this life, there is nothing. No afterlife, no reincarnation, nothing. That's why I seek to have fulfillment in my life via service to my fellow man, exploring interests, and building connections. I see no need to concern myself with going to church, tithing, or other man-made constructs. I don't have time for it.
And lastly, nature's beauty, I would argue, logically disproves a God. With all that we know about our universe and planet, the though of a single creator is simply preposterous. Some muslims believe the earth is flat, on top of the fact that one Authentic Hadith narrated by Abu Duha ibn Sabih talks about how the earth is on the back of a whale. Please research your own religion.
- Will, the dude with a rocket launcher.
Paul was a misogynist: A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 1st Timothy 2:11-13