My family is extremely religious. I grew up in a family which has it's root in religion. I live in a large city that is surrounded by many rural areas, and my family is based in a single rural area. That area was founded because of a religious congregation moving location.
I was raised as a southern baptist, and was baptized as a young age. I have reasons to believe a few members of my extended family are skeptics, but I can't be sure.
Funny story though, I accidently brought up religion in a gathering of my family, and I (stupidly) debated my family on the basis of morality and religion. They accused me of being an Atheist, which I am, and said they "feared for my soul". The statement that hit home the most for me was when my grandmother said "You used to be so religious." And it's true. I used to give out "prophecies", and give "advice" as a kid. I would use my non-developed brain to give advice to family members, and my family was quick to say I was a "prophet." I wasn't.
That said, my family is really religious. I'm surprised the indoctrination failed. My parents still make me go to church every sunday though.
I was raised as a southern baptist, and was baptized as a young age. I have reasons to believe a few members of my extended family are skeptics, but I can't be sure.
Funny story though, I accidently brought up religion in a gathering of my family, and I (stupidly) debated my family on the basis of morality and religion. They accused me of being an Atheist, which I am, and said they "feared for my soul". The statement that hit home the most for me was when my grandmother said "You used to be so religious." And it's true. I used to give out "prophecies", and give "advice" as a kid. I would use my non-developed brain to give advice to family members, and my family was quick to say I was a "prophet." I wasn't.
That said, my family is really religious. I'm surprised the indoctrination failed. My parents still make me go to church every sunday though.
Paul was a misogynist: A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 1st Timothy 2:11-13