The nuclear thing is frightening because we have no control over it whatsoever, and a thin-skinned narcissist who doesn't seem to understand that other people actually exist has the power to use them, and has openly wondered why we haven't used them.
We can vote people out of office and protest this or that, but once the button is pushed we're all well and truly fucked. And we've never had anyone that can begin to approach how dangerous Trump appears to be. And to add to that shit-heap are tens of millions of Americans who are, some-fucking-how, oblivious to the danger, and so support him in every word and deed.
Of course the world has always been dangerous. Nobody denies that. But the world is now suddenly more dangerous than it's ever been because of the cavalier attitude Trump and his supporters have toward the use of nuclear weapons.
We can vote people out of office and protest this or that, but once the button is pushed we're all well and truly fucked. And we've never had anyone that can begin to approach how dangerous Trump appears to be. And to add to that shit-heap are tens of millions of Americans who are, some-fucking-how, oblivious to the danger, and so support him in every word and deed.
Of course the world has always been dangerous. Nobody denies that. But the world is now suddenly more dangerous than it's ever been because of the cavalier attitude Trump and his supporters have toward the use of nuclear weapons.