(January 30, 2017 at 5:43 pm)Iroscato Wrote: You just keep finding ways to out-cunt yourself, Wyrd.I don't understand your hostile attitude.
The passage I cited should provide comfort because it's part of the Islamic belief system. It plainly says that people who die while worshiping Allah will go to paradise regardless of their sins. So, why aren't you happy about people going to paradise instead of hell?
It's like the passage in the Bible in Revelation 6:9-11 (CEV) that says: "9 When the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of everyone who had been killed for speaking God’s message and telling about their faith. 10 They shouted, “Master, you are holy and faithful! How long will it be before you judge and punish the people of this earth who killed us?”
11 Then each of those who had been killed was given a white robe and told to rest for a little while. They had to wait until the complete number of the Lord’s other servants and followers would be killed."
Who doesn't want to go to paradise or heaven? Everyone who believes in them certainly do. Well, it seems that Allah (or God) has placed a bonus prize in the sack. You get in if you are killed while worshiping him regardless of your sins. But the kicker is that you must be killed.
So all believers should be joyful when such events happen to their fellow believers. They are going to paradise or heaven while we, the still living, face an uncertain future that might have us roasting in the lake of fire for all eternity.
To us, non-believers, such incidents are tragic and should be avoided at all costs. Of course I, as a non-believer, find such events reprehensible. But Allah (and God) have insisted that believers get killed. In the case of the Bible the magic number hasn't been reached in 2,000 years. Who knows how many more will have to be killed before Jesus returns? The next victim might be that magic one. Or it might take 10 billion or 500 billion more. That's why believers must have faith. I know that if I was a believer and someone started shooting at me in church or a mosque I would gladly and fearlessly take his bullets because according to the story my soul will join all of the others under the altar in their white robes (or in paradise).
Doesn't any of that give you comfort?