(June 30, 2011 at 5:36 pm)Rhythm Wrote:
Like most of your arguments this one is easy to refute.
God created in six literal days 6-8,000 years ago.
He created different "kinds" of animals; this is what is meant when creationists refer to biblical "kinds".
Approximately 4,500 years ago he destroyed all land animals that breathed through nostrils on earth except for those instructed to be saved on the ark
There are two different plate tectonic models that are believed to have taken place during the flood. Either way, the current model suggests that a breaking of the land mass took place during the flood year. Many oceanic trenches were formed along with mountain ranges causing the flood waters to recede back to the oceans.
The water recession carved many canyons and valleys we see today.
The warming of the oceans caused by the opening of several geothermal wells led to increased precipitation at the poles leading to a single ice age.
The animals dispersed from the act due to God's providential decree. They used many known ice bridges to repopulate the earth.
Man did not disperse, so God confused man's language at Babel, thus explaining the dozen or so parent languages identified today.
The confusion of language would have caused a setback for several of the groups. This in turn would have forced them to live more primitively than other groups, many resorting to living in caves.
Some of the animals taken on the ark would have found it difficult to survive in the post flood conditions thus leading to several extinctions.
Natural selection acted upon the biblical kinds of animals after the flood. The wealth genetic variability contained in these kinds of animals led to rapid speciation giving us all the animals we see today.
The fossil record gives an account of the rapid death and burial of many animals during the flood.
The flood event would also lead to flood legends in nearly all cultures in the world today.
That's a pretty good rundown I believe.