(March 25, 2017 at 2:02 am)godlessheatheness Wrote: I grew up being told that we celebrated Christmas for the big guys birthday. Easter for the rising from the dead or whatever and Halloween is evil.
My father may not have taken me to church but he did make sure to tell me every lie that I grew up thinking. I never questioned what they did, it was just their thing. I questioned the Christmas thing in my teen years, then Easter, and Now I'm questioning more than ever. I feel more than betrayed honestly, I honestly fear for my loved ones that buy into everything that Christianity is. Because everything I used to think was not a big deal and everything they believe with all of their hearts are lies!
I've been studying the bible (Mostly by listening to other atheists read it and make fun of it. I'm a single mom I have no time to read.) and a lot of the stories are stolen and retold to fit the book, they have stolen ideas, they stole logos and used them to push their fucking agenda. They've even stolen holidays.
Christmas wasn't their thing until after they banned it for not being christian and then they just twisted it in their own ways to try and make it all about them, to the point where now they tell their kids that the true meaning of Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus. Which is ridiculous because if they knew how the original Christmas was celebrated it would be considered just as evil as they think Halloween is, which, don't quote me, I'm pretty sure comes from christian roots and has absolutely nothing to do with "the devil's birthday."
I straight up heard somebody say that thanking people was rooted in Christianity, gathering groups of people is a Christian thing, There's so much BS to smell here it's amazing that most of them don't smell it.
My dad likes to say that he fears I will burn in hell but I don't think he realizes I fear for him. I feel like he has been brainwashed and there's no fixing it. Same goes for the rest of his family (somebody pointed out to me that I refer to my dad's family as his family and not mine and that they are still my family but the truth is they have never given me a reason to feel loved. and I feel like family is a more personal thing, if you're going to make me feel like an outcast and then expect me to trust, respect, and love you? uh no thanks.)
Anyway I guess the point of this rant is that I've been learning a lot and I feel totally betrayed and like my family is being betrayed before my eyes and I can't do anything to save them from themselves.
I guess I'm done ranting.
I rail and rant and take no prisoners when it comes to any religion, but in debate, blasphemy and ridicule only. Our species unfortunately 99% sells the next generation at birth the religion of their parents. It isn't that most humans do that to be evil, it is because most humans get sold a religion from birth before they can formulate adult critical thinking skills.
The unfortunate reality is that the "betrayal" is not that humans are mostly evil, the "betrayal" is that evolution itself produces false perceptions. Those false perceptions can lead to large groups that over time can become successful but still totally be based on that false perception.
Our species evolved to form groups because we are social, so when we set up a social order that group does not like its social order challenged even if the group is centered around completely false claims. The ancient Egyptians were successful for 3,000 years centered around the false beliefs of their polytheistic gods that never existed.
This unfortunately is evolutionary. Life evolved with fight or flight, and life did not always have the ability to slow down, compare and contrast. Our brains evolved to gap fill. We do it all the time, every day without realizing it. It is why you can walk around your house with your keys in your hands and still think you don't know where they are. It is also why a bird can slam itself into a hot desert road and break it's neck because it falsely sees the heatwaves as pools of water.
Humans are in reality simply projecting their own qualities on the world around them. By protecting human qualities on non human events it gives you a false sense of control over your environment. If falsely gives one the impression that you can bargain with another human like entity with super powers in order to avoid harm and gain benefit.