I can't say I'd object to convicted pedophiles, rapists and murderers being crucified today in public. Bleeding hearts would crow and say, that's cruel and unusual punishment! While electing to overlook that pedophilia, rape and murder was too. Often it is said the death penalty is no deterrent. I contend that's because it's all done in secret. Nail a few convicted pedophiles, rapists, murderers to a cross around the courthouse, nail a board above their head announcing the crime they're being punished for, and I bet any pedophile, rapist or murderer with eyes to see will not help but to learn that what hangs, dies and rots before their eyes is what foretells their own destiny if they pursue their cruel and unusual deviant behaviors.
"In life you can never be too kind or too fair; everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load. When you go through your day expressing kindness and courtesy to all you meet, you leave behind a feeling of warmth and good cheer, and you help alleviate the burdens everyone is struggling with."
Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy