(June 11, 2017 at 7:22 pm)Tizheruk Wrote: Ah Beta you are beautiful. You think I didn't know that quote was fake . Did I say I believed in said quote? did I claim what said was true? Not that I recall .I picked that poster to because it's probably what going on in Trumps skull when he's selling rubes like you his bullshit(which is why I called him a fake leader). Way to ruin the joke by forcing me explain it. And really only you would need to look it up to score some GOTCHA points.LOL. I knew it was fake, because I pay attention to real news and fake news.... Its still fucking funny and probably one of the smartest thing he should have said.
Also anyone notice how Beta didn't bother to address nor refute the subject of this thread. Instead he chooses to engage in a petty fact check to something .I never stated as fact.
I was a born-again christian for many years then I got woke.. and now life is better in so many ways. It's taking me time to see my value and find my voice, but the reward is liberating knowing my path is not dictated or controlled by fear of death and the unknown. Casting off the shackles of religion is pretty fucking awesome. The beautiful people I've met on this forum have more heart and compassion than any group of people I've been apart of. So back off Jesus and followers, because this bitch is done with Chu.