(July 22, 2011 at 12:47 am)Aerzia Saerules Arktuos Wrote: Funny thing about showing off the consequences of an action: only adds incentive to not get caught.
Seeing pirates land behind bars or pay massive fines certainly never affected me pirating things. It did accomplish making me more cautious of doing so openly though. Don't care anymore since my library is now entirely 'legit'
Criminals always have an incentive not to get caught. Prisons in their area provide a visual incentive. Capital punishment legislation in their State, provides a great incentive not to get caught. And those penal institutions and death chambers where witnesses now watch sentence carried out don't show off the consequences of an action, as if that's something to parade about as a source of pride for those in charge.
Rather, they stand as reminders, including that headline about the pending execution and then the follow-up story regarding the final outcome, that there is a penalty for breaking the laws. From the most benign, unto the most severe.
Those bearing an immoral character demonstrate they cant be in compliance with law and order or virtue, because their narcissism leads them to believe they are not answerable to the law, because they are not contained in their behaviors by threat of prosecution by it, already. It's why they're criminals, because they're not compelled to be decent by their own personal choice, and they're not deterred from pursuing that unlawful avenue by what they know is the lawful punishment that will hold them accountable for that what was first their responsibility, as they believe themselves entitled to do whatever the hell they want. No matter what.
I've often wondered if there's statistics between the old histories when punishments were public and brutal, instead of brutal and private now. Criminality always contains the incentive not to get caught. When moral character nor law provides no incentive against choosing to commit criminal acts, no manner of prosecution public or private is going to bolster that what is already synonymous with malefaction.
I've not heard that Mr. Jacobovici has given cause in his research to be deemed a liar. I've not watched "The Naked Archeologist" in longer than I can remember. While I've only recently become aware of Joe Zias. I imagine time flew and it seemed there wasn't nearly enough time to delve into everything you'd have liked to discuss. I enjoy programs about archeology, ancient civilizations, etc... I've yet to have the opportunity to speak with anyone in the field however.
"In life you can never be too kind or too fair; everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load. When you go through your day expressing kindness and courtesy to all you meet, you leave behind a feeling of warmth and good cheer, and you help alleviate the burdens everyone is struggling with."
Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy