RE: There is a difference between salvation, and the rewards of Heaven
July 31, 2017 at 9:27 am
(This post was last modified: July 31, 2017 at 9:29 am by Drich.)
(July 29, 2017 at 4:06 pm)drfuzzy Wrote: If I go back a few grades . . . let's see, I officially got to grade 24 at a minimum. I have two Master's degrees and a Doctorate. So, which University are you suggesting and in which Doctoral course will be be enrolling? Philosophy would be acceptable, since I won't do Theology. I don't want to spend my time studying fanciful tales about how to properly worship the Tooth Fairy.

Quote:[/size]would you like for me to provide definations for you? referring to my post as babbling generally refers to a misunderstanding of what I wrote. If you do not understand the words i use then I can back even further and provide a easier to understand explanation.
God does for everyone who seeks Him out on His terms each and every time. Bullshit. If he ever did, we would have evidence. We do not.
I have argued that as well. if you look at the description of God, He is a trans dimensional being who has complete power and authority over our dimension. And that is where the worship comes in.. with the power and authority. Ridiculous babble bullshit.
Quote: Yes So happy for you. I have personal relationship with my cat. She's real.
Quote:Who wouldn't want to sit down and have a meal with God? Even at a state dinner.. imagine who'd all you'd meet.
Actually I like to be invited over to the 'big house' for dinner.. doesn't have to be just me, could be for a big party for Paul or someone.. Just like to see how God lives. Getting more ridiculous as it goes along. But it's YOUR fantasy.
Quote:Wow. Dripshit has actually VISITED heaven and hell and seen gawd. Can I have some of whatever drug you were on? No wait - it obviously caused permanent brain damage. Never mind. more detail if you like
No. I am to bring the truth to the light.. like the fact that deep down you still believe in God. like the fact that I am not teaching salvation, because we do not decide who is and is not saved. Christ does. I also teach that Christ is not a respecter of the titles we award ourselves. Atheist, Christian, Muslim deists all will be represented in Heaven to one degree or another. Some will go on to great things (His active followers and worshipers) and others will live in poverty and perform menial tasks. It all depends on what you do with your God given gifts and abilities.
Quote:I have asserted multiple times that God doesn't exist. And multiple times you have accused me of lying. That is unbelievably disrespectful and idiotic. You can't possibly believe that anyone would give your "truth" a second's attention when you behave in such a fashion. cop out.. gain you believe when it suits you to use the bible and persecute Christians and or God.
Quote:"Library." You need one. A real one. With some books on science and logic. Not a book of immoral idiotic fairy tales and people writing whole tomes postulating about something that doesn't exist. You could also use a dictionary. You're going back on ignore, DripShit. I lose brain cells and time I can never get back every time I make the mistake of reading your ridiculous drivel.I loose brain cells=
i don't like God's truth encroaching on my style/getting too close, can't respond with out using insults... I'm beginning to look bad.