(August 6, 2017 at 10:57 pm)pabsta Wrote: So far I've yet to see anyone disprove what has been presented. Instead I'm just reading "I refuse to believe" against thousands of testimonials from people who didn't know each other.
As you have asked members of an Atheist Forum for our opinions on the matter, you damn well knew that the right to ask for concrete evidence outside of the opinions or thoughts of others (read: testimonials) was going to come up. Or are you really this dense that you didn't think we would have the balls to ask? You are just like every other theist that has come here with their own twisted story. We are going to demand that you bring scientific proof of any claims that you or anyone else makes regarding religion or deities. It's that simple. If you thought you were going to make a post about miracles and we were just going to believe based off of "testimonials" from "thousands of people who didn't know each other", then you are sadly mistaken. You also seem to misunderstand that the majority of us come from religious backgrounds. It is why some of us are atheists today. You can spin your story into a thousand different versions. At the end of the day - show proof or shut up.
Here's an idea: How about this, instead of asking us what our opinions are on the matter, why don't you tell us exactly what you want us to say. That way, we can laugh for hours and hours together over a big bag of weed.
Quote:While we're at it, we might as well pick a few random events in history that have plenty of testimonials, and deny those too. Boston tea party? Sounds fishy to me, therefore it never happened. Abe Lincoln's assassination? I don't believe it could have happened that way, therefore it never happened.
You cannot possibly compare your OP, which is based entirely on the opinions of "eyewitnesses", to the Boston Tea Party, which was the very thing that kicked off our revolution against the British Monarchy. That was one of the largest pieces of history for the United States. It most certainly isn't "random".
History of the Boston Tea Party
Cause of the Boston Tea Party
see below (taken from the first link):
Quote:At nine o'clock on the night of December 16, 1773, a band of Bostonians disguised as Native Americans boarded the British merchant ship Dartmouth and two companion vessels anchored at Griffin's Wharf in Boston harbor. The Americans, who numbered around 70, shared a common aim: to destroy the ships' cargo of British East India Company tea. Many years later George Hewes, a 31–year–old shoemaker and participant, recalled "We then were ordered by our commander to open the hatches and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard. And we immediately proceeded to execute his orders, first cutting and splitting the chests with our tomahawks, so as thoroughly to expose them to the effects of the water." Urged on by a crowd of cheering townspeople, the disguised Bostonians destroyed 342 chests of tea estimated to be worth between £10,000 and £18,000. Their actions, which became known as the Boston Tea Party, set in motion events that led directly to the American Revolution (1775–83).
Paul Revere was one of the over 100 participants in the Boston Tea Party. But I suppose that you don't believe he existed, even though he is buried in Boston and had a very important role in our history. See below:
Quote:Paul Revere was an American silversmith and a patriot in the American Revolution. He is most famous for alerting Colonial militia of British invasion before the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Revere was a prosperous and prominent Boston silversmith who helped organize an intelligence and alarm system to keep watch on the British military. Revere later served as an officer in the Penobscot Expedition, one of the most disastrous campaigns of the American Revolutionary War, for which he was absolved of blame. In the 1770s Revere immersed himself in the movement toward political independence from Great Britain. As the acknowledged leader of Boston’s mechanic class, he proved an invaluable link between artisan and intellectual. In 1773 he donned Indian garb and joined 50 other patriots in the Boston Tea Party protest against parliamentary taxation without representation. On April 16, 1775, he rode to nearby Concord to urge the patriots to move their military stores endangered by pending British troop movements. Finally, two days later, he set out on his most famous journey to alert his countrymen that the redcoats were on the march, particularly in search of Revolutionary leaders John Hancock and Samuel Adams. Because of Paul Revere’s Ride, the Minutemen were ready the next morning on Lexington green for the historic battle that launched the War of Independence. With the outbreak of hostilities, Revere turned industrialist and constructed a much-needed powder mill to supply colonial arms. In 1776, he was put in command of Boston Harbor’s principal defense at Castle William, but his war record as a lieutenant colonel was largely undistinguished. He resumed his stride as a successful industrialist after the war, however, and set up a rolling mill for the manufacture of sheet copper at Canton, Massachusetts. From this factory came sheathing for many U.S. ships, including the , and the dome of the Massachusetts statehouse. Even after his military and political career ended he continued to discuss the issues of the day, and in 1814 he circulated a petition offering the government the services of Boston’s artisans in protecting Boston during the War of 1812. Revere died on May 10, 1818, at the age of 83, at his home on Charter Street in Boston. He is buried in the Granary Burying Ground on Tremont Street.credit: Boston Tea Party Participants
Another non-random event that you refer insultingly as a "random" event, was the very real assassination of a beloved president. There are records in existence that can prove he was shot. Like the actual notes from two doctors who performed the autopsy of President Lincoln.
see below for an example of actual evidence:
Dr. Joseph Janvier Woodwards Autopsy notes taken from the link above:
![[Image: poDBW55.jpg]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.imgur.com%2FpoDBW55.jpg)
Oh look. More evidence from Dr. Robert King Stone's autopsy notes:
![[Image: RyDWypX.jpg]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.imgur.com%2FRyDWypX.jpg)
page two:
![[Image: 4aAi2vu.jpg]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.imgur.com%2F4aAi2vu.jpg)
page three:
![[Image: ovnkALI.jpg]](https://images.weserv.nl/?url=i.imgur.com%2FovnkALI.jpg)
Quote:Such is the absurd position of atheists who accept history handed down to them only when it suits them, and deny what they don't personally believe. What hypocrisy. Let an atheist write our history books and we will only get part of what really happened.
Well well well. I provided several pieces of evidence against your claims of pieces of history that you poorly attempted to downplay as "random". Showed you photographed evidence and gave you links, where if you wanted to visit places in Boston - you now have links to a Boston museum. Go to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC. There's plenty of history there. None of it is random either. Do you get it now? THAT is how you provide evidence. What's hypocrisy is the fact that YOU will still be in denial after you read this post and you will totally ignore every aspect of what's in my post. Oh - and I didn't write this for you. I wrote it for me, to remind myself of why I continue to not ever believe in your brand of bullshit.
Such is the absurd position of theists like yourself, who come in here and expect logical-minded people to just believe you because "you say so" and you have weak, subjective opinions of others, which really, come on, isn't evidence and you know this. But you keep on trying to spin that old song and dance into new versions. We will come at you with the same questions every time. And please - stop getting all offended when we refute you on this. You did after all, ask for our opinions.
Sorry, not sorry. You don't get to try this tactic with a group of people who are inherently more logical than 99% of theists that come in here trying to guilt us or trick us or smooth talk us into believing their brand of woo. And fuck off with you for trying to insult two important periods in the history of the United States.
Disclaimer: I am only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to understand.