I think there's actually a much much MUCH greater chance that RELIGION will survive than specifically christianity. So many religions of the past died out.
Christianity has been going for like 2000 years now - but I mean IF us humans last another few thousand, few tends of thousand, few hundreds of thousand or even a few MILLION years more...I think if Christianity hasn't died by then it will have evolved into something else that isn't really Christianity anymore...too much time will have past...
E.G. If humans lasted for 10 million years...I doubt by then that people will still be on about Jesus...I think it would have evolved into something different by then - if not religion ITSELF being different. Who knows - that's a long time!!
Christianity has been going for like 2000 years now - but I mean IF us humans last another few thousand, few tends of thousand, few hundreds of thousand or even a few MILLION years more...I think if Christianity hasn't died by then it will have evolved into something else that isn't really Christianity anymore...too much time will have past...
E.G. If humans lasted for 10 million years...I doubt by then that people will still be on about Jesus...I think it would have evolved into something different by then - if not religion ITSELF being different. Who knows - that's a long time!!