(November 14, 2017 at 1:59 pm)Neo-Scholastic Wrote: As I understand it, Atheist Forums is meant to be a forum about atheism and not just a forum for atheists. And unless I am mistaken, theists are every bit as much full members of AF as atheists, agnostics, and anti-theists, etc. Theists are not party-crashing second-class members that are tolerated at best or here for the sport of atheist members. The OP of "Theism is childish" is a good example of the blanket insults and false characterizations theists endure as contributors.
The problem is, is that more often than not - the "socks" that flood the forums, are disgruntled theists that were banned because they broke forum rules. So in all honesty, the individuals banned have set that precedence up.
Quote:Not that I care all that much. I'm a big boy. I participate by choice. I enjoy sportsmanlike trading of barbs every bit as much as a nuance philosophical discussion. Creative vulgarities and clever insults make me laugh even when they are directed my way. At the same time, many of us long time theists are growing very tired of the anti-religious bigotry that is so very common.
You do understand what the name of the forum implies, correct? I know - you and a bunch of other theists that post here, would rather us atheists just shut up and let you be all preachy. It doesn't work that way and theists who come here, have a hella lot more freedom to speak their minds than an atheist has on say a christian forum. The second an atheist is discovered on a theist forum, they are treated with disdain and banned for the slightest infraction. Be honest. You don't see that happening here unless a sock or poe is caught in the act.
Quote:Many of atheist members object to characterizations of atheism/atheists saying “Atheism is simply the lack of belief is God(s).”
Please point out where this is true. How do we object to that when it is the very argument we make? Atheists aren't a "group" of people and you know this. We are individuals who share a singular commonality: the lack of believe in a god or gods. You are simply taking those words and twisting them to suit your own needs. This place is called Atheist Forums, yes. It is a place for atheists and theists alike to come together to share and discuss atheism, religion and other topics as are listed in the sub-forums.
Quote:In return, I would appreciate if atheistic members return the favor by recognizing theism as “Simply holding the belief in God(s)”.
The difference is that some theists come in here with the specific intent of trying to convert atheists or trying to preach to them. No one here wants that. There are religious forums that fit that purpose. Those wishing to be all preachy, can go to those forums and do that stuff. Being preachy and telling us we're going to go to hell is indicative of someone who is not interested in meaningful debate or discussion.
Quote:If you are going to ask theists to mind the distinctions between gnostic and agnostic atheism, anti-theism and deism, then it is only fair for atheists (of whatever stripe) to at least acknowledge that lumping all kinds of theism, from Scientology to Hinduism to Roman Catholicism to Sufi, together is inaccurate.
Nice strawman. It is known that Catholics, Christians, Jews and Muslims all follow the same Abrahamic god. So it is only fair that those religions get lumped in together. If you had four different gods, naturally and logically, we wouldn't lump them in. I don't see where buddhism or hinduism ever gets lumped in with the Abrahamic god.
Quote:And to do so with mockery is just rude.
And your kind threatening us with hell for not loving your magical sky daddy isn't rude? We constantly put up with theists here mocking atheists all the time. Turn about is fair play. If you want to engage in something meaningful, how about starting threads that don't encourage insulting dialog to begin with?
Quote:Even within the Christian tradition there are important distinctions. Not all Christians are Evangelicals. Very few Christians believe in biblical infallibility. More, though still a minority, think Scripture is literally true throughout. Not all are creationists. Not every Christian denomination believes in free will, eternal conscious torment, or infant baptism. While I believe that the main doctrines are generally accepted throughout the church universal, these doctrinal differences matter.
But you all still believe in the same god and that's one of the main points. Your bible is the same bible that 40,000 other types of "Christianity" use. How is it fair that you can pick and choose which parts of your religion you find pleasing but we aren't allowed to bring up the hundreds of unpleasantries in the bible.
If you start a "christian" based thread, but you yourself make no distinction as to why your topic shouldn't be lumped in with other types of Christianity, then that's on you. It is up to the original poster to make their points clear. To fail to do so, opens up a wide range of dialog that you may or may not like.
Quote:Nor is it right or proper to describe all believers as irrational, delusional, or ignorant. That’s just bigotry plain and simple. It should not be tolerated. For every idiot like Ken Ham, there are ten or more serious thinkers like David Bentley Hart. Likewise, for every theological moron like Richard Dawkins, there is slightly more thoughtful Pinker.
Now some will say that it is unreasonable to qualify which type of Christians (or Muslims, etc.) are being discussed when there are so many sects. Perhaps. But I would point out that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Within atheistic philosophies there are nearly as many combinations of ideas from Hume’s radical skepticism, Sartre’s existentialism, Schopenhauer’s idealism, Derrida’s post-modernism, etc. etc.
So I say, if the tone of this forum is to improve it is not up to the 5 or 6 active theists to “call-out” the bigotry or correct the hostile mischaracterizations directed our way. Our respected atheistic members, that are legion, need to step up to the plate and do a little more self-enforcement rather than making apologies for such...bullshit...or giving it a pass just because the offending party is a fellow atheist.
You know, I have taken up for quite a few theists here. I generally stick to the off topic forum because it's where I prefer to hang out. However, I do see where CL has a point in her initial post here. She raises fair points and perhaps they do need to be addressed. But for you to come in here and create a few straw-mans just to bring home your own agenda, isn't necessary.
As theists - you knowingly come to a forum where the majority of the members are atheist.
As theists - you are welcomed warmly, until we find out that your agenda is either to preach, convert atheists, troll, flame or are a sock of someone who has been banned from here.
Theists on these forums are generally accepted better here than if they were to go elsewhere.
But theists also come in here making claims that their god exists. And when those engaging with the theists, ask for proof that their god does indeed exist, we are the ones met with insults and threats that we're going to hell. You can't expect us to just accept what you say is true without us asking for some sort of reasonable evidence to that. To think otherwise is just foolish.
Disclaimer: I am only responsible for what I say, not what you choose to understand.