(January 25, 2018 at 6:14 pm)Catholic_Lady Wrote: Yep, definitely comes off like wanting attention and acting as though she's a victim who lives in fear of her religious parents.
CL you are still a believer, you cannot assume the situation of those who leave a religion, ANY religion, then assume just because we live in the west, the one ditching their religion is surrounded by tolerance 100% of the time. WE can tell you THAT IS NOT always the case.
I've been listening and reading the stories of the conflicts of other atheists whom deal with their families for the past 16 years. It is always harder for kids to be open to family or society, not just about atheists, but ANY ditching of the social norms a parent may sell. LGBT even if they believe, risk being social outcasts.
EVEN without sexuality or religion. Some parents blindly expect the child to take over the family business when they grow up, and even with something like that, many will react negatively to the rejection of such.
It certainly is worse in more conservative parts of the world. Even Sikhs and Hindus have sects and individual families whom will react very negatively to a female child rejecting the partner whom the parents pick out for them, even to the point of kicking them out of the house, or even honor killing.
You have NO RIGHT to assume what Die is talking about.
I personally have seen how my younger sister got treated when she came out as an atheist. It is hard for many, especially those whom are under age hand still legally are under the control of their parents. I was lucky growing up, and my younger sister was fortunately and adult but still got treated like shit verbally. Some kids when they are kids have it far worse.