RE: A call for sanity - Council of Ex Muslims
August 27, 2011 at 8:57 am
(This post was last modified: August 27, 2011 at 9:01 am by Citereh.)
The person narrating the video is one person, no?
Seeing as you've have already taken an arrogant stance towards my sincere questioning of your post I shall return the same courtesy in kind.
I shall re-buke that condesending rhetorical question you made by simply asking. Did you even listen to the entire video? As the person narrating it clearly is one person giving his opinion on the behalf of others with or without that group of persons permission on a very broad subject.
This statement I do not doubt to be true as I work with a Muslim who is indeed decent within context of our societies defined limits and is indeed hardworking.
The main so called "enablers" for right wing parties in my opinion are:
The mainstream medias incessant desire to portray any person, group, or community no matter their religious believes or socio-economic background in a negative light where possible and for profit.
The muslims themselves who I would call "active" muslims rather than "passive" muslims who have been waging Jihad since the very birth of Islam and by doing so are contributing to this so called "racist" hatred of the dealth cult which is Islam.
Lastly and most importantly is the foundation of their faith, the Qu'ran and Sunnah (Ahadiths). These integral pillars of their faith are the very reason why right wing organisations such as the BNP and EDL to name just two "hate" Islam. As much as I disagree with the general politics of these two organistions, their underlying objection to Islam is very valid.
This statement contradicts itself. How can you say "their not defending that religion but are defending their right to practice it" i.e teach it, live it and in some cases die by it. That IS defending that religion.
It's like saying I do not agree with the Catholic church and its ideologies but I am ok with them teaching people that babies that die at birth go to hell as they have not been baptized. Or as later taught (due to outrage from their believers) go to limbo for a time.
You cannot disagree with a predefined unchangable ideology without disagreeing with the teachings of that ideology. Just like I cannot say I am a muslim but I do not belive in what Islam (the Qu'ran and Sunnah) teaches, it is contradictory.
Also I know of many ex-muslims such as Ali Sina, Robert Spencer, Salman Rushdie and Wafa Sultan just to name a few well known examples. That would completely and utterly object to this forced politically correct notion that we may not agree with their ideology but we have to let them, teach, preach and act upon it in democratic countries which value your equality, freedom of speech, human rights etc.
Please see the manifesto for the Council of ex-muslims:
You will see that if you know of anything that Islam teaches, you will also understand then that the Council of ex-muslims manifesto goes against everything Islam stands for. Therefore they cannot support them in principle and makes a mockery of those very principles if this video is truely endorsed by them. Islam's teachings are the very reason they are most likely now EX-MUSLIMS.
So no sir I do not agree with you if you are to answer that this video is attempting to honestly convey a message of needed tolerance towards the politically fascist ideology which is Islam, and we should in-fact question the authenticity of the author of this contemptible video.
Kind Regards,
Seeing as you've have already taken an arrogant stance towards my sincere questioning of your post I shall return the same courtesy in kind.
Quote:For a start, have you watched the entire video?
I shall re-buke that condesending rhetorical question you made by simply asking. Did you even listen to the entire video? As the person narrating it clearly is one person giving his opinion on the behalf of others with or without that group of persons permission on a very broad subject.
Quote:but the generalization and vilification of decent hardworking Muslims
This statement I do not doubt to be true as I work with a Muslim who is indeed decent within context of our societies defined limits and is indeed hardworking.
Quote:but works as an enabler for right wing parties to spread more hatred towards ordinary Muslims
The main so called "enablers" for right wing parties in my opinion are:
The mainstream medias incessant desire to portray any person, group, or community no matter their religious believes or socio-economic background in a negative light where possible and for profit.
The muslims themselves who I would call "active" muslims rather than "passive" muslims who have been waging Jihad since the very birth of Islam and by doing so are contributing to this so called "racist" hatred of the dealth cult which is Islam.
Lastly and most importantly is the foundation of their faith, the Qu'ran and Sunnah (Ahadiths). These integral pillars of their faith are the very reason why right wing organisations such as the BNP and EDL to name just two "hate" Islam. As much as I disagree with the general politics of these two organistions, their underlying objection to Islam is very valid.
Quote:In no way shape or form do any of the persons in this video defend Islam, but they do defend the right for Muslims to practice their religion.
This statement contradicts itself. How can you say "their not defending that religion but are defending their right to practice it" i.e teach it, live it and in some cases die by it. That IS defending that religion.
It's like saying I do not agree with the Catholic church and its ideologies but I am ok with them teaching people that babies that die at birth go to hell as they have not been baptized. Or as later taught (due to outrage from their believers) go to limbo for a time.
You cannot disagree with a predefined unchangable ideology without disagreeing with the teachings of that ideology. Just like I cannot say I am a muslim but I do not belive in what Islam (the Qu'ran and Sunnah) teaches, it is contradictory.
Also I know of many ex-muslims such as Ali Sina, Robert Spencer, Salman Rushdie and Wafa Sultan just to name a few well known examples. That would completely and utterly object to this forced politically correct notion that we may not agree with their ideology but we have to let them, teach, preach and act upon it in democratic countries which value your equality, freedom of speech, human rights etc.
Please see the manifesto for the Council of ex-muslims:
You will see that if you know of anything that Islam teaches, you will also understand then that the Council of ex-muslims manifesto goes against everything Islam stands for. Therefore they cannot support them in principle and makes a mockery of those very principles if this video is truely endorsed by them. Islam's teachings are the very reason they are most likely now EX-MUSLIMS.
So no sir I do not agree with you if you are to answer that this video is attempting to honestly convey a message of needed tolerance towards the politically fascist ideology which is Islam, and we should in-fact question the authenticity of the author of this contemptible video.
Kind Regards,
Kind Regards,
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal
"Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal
"Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein