RE: A call for sanity - Council of Ex Muslims
August 28, 2011 at 6:34 pm
(This post was last modified: August 28, 2011 at 6:45 pm by Citereh.)
Quote:The video is not conveying a tolerance to the ideology of Islam, it is conveying that you should not tar all Muslims with the same brush. And I don't give a toss that you don't agree, you asked me if I agreed with the video and I do.
Again you contradict yourself. Why are muslims called muslims? Because they are labelled such by themselves by means of a belief system. That belief system is the very reason they call themselves a muslim not a christian or a sikh.
So by saying tolerate the muslim not the muslims beliefs you are indeed contradicting yourself. You cannot have one without the other, and just because there are muslims around the world who may not agree or actively practice a particular teaching of their religion. Does not mean to say that we should have to tolerate an intolerant fascist political ideology such as Islam.
And thank you for pointing out that you don't give a toss about me not agreeing with you. I am glad we have such a discerning admin on this wonderful forum.
Quote:No it doesn't. I despise the BNP, I oppose facism, communism, socialism, etc. However, I am a supporter of freedom, and the freedom to support or subscribe to any ideology that you want to. Thus, whilst I do not support the BNP or any other facist political party, I fully support the ability for those parties to exist, and for people to become affiliated with them.
I can understand where your coming from here Tiberius, but how can one say I believe in freedom of speech and expression but not oppose a person, group or organisation of any kind which basic principles go against every type of freedom you seek to promote? It is counter productive.
If you oppose fascism you naturally oppose Islam just as you would oppose Nazism. Yes they are in fact very similar in definition.
Quote:Yes, and there is nothing contradictory about that. Just because you don't agree with such a position doesn't mean the position is untenable. You can disagree with the actual teachings, but support the freedom of such religions to teach them. This is what freedom is about...
Again my friend I understand your good intention here to say we all have the right to believe and say what we wish. But again I will have to disagree with this notion of an all encompassing freedom to allow anything even if it is blantantly immoral.
If you are willing to associate yourself with a belief system which teaches that you will go to hell and be tortured for eternity for, lets say; homosexuality. Then you are agreeing to be labelled by said belief system, and by doing so you are not above criticism.
If a belief system is made up of immoral beliefs that impede upon the very nature of freedom as in the freedom to have sex with who you please no matter there gender, without fear of discrimination or persecution. How can you protect it by saying "but they should have the freedom to believe such things". It is completely and utterly wrong.
Quote:Agreed, but that isn't what we are saying here. The guy in the video isn't saying that he believes in Islam; he is saying the opposite. However, he still supports the rights of believers of Islam to practice their beliefs.
I think my previous statement to Leo on the authenticity of the author of this video explains my position on how your statement is inaccurate with regards to the council of ex-muslims manifesto and what they stand for, and what Islam teaches. They are truely in contradiction of each other and therefore the author if genuine cannot support such a system as he would be attacking his belief in the very fabric of what freedom is.
I appreciate your tactful disagreement Tiberius.
Kind Regards,
Kind Regards,
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal
"Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal
"Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein