The joke is on us, she is a sitting US congresswomen. The solution is to find out HOW THE FUCK that happened, and then once you find that problem, you educate.
We have a stigmata in the states that intelligence = weak stupid nerd. It is engrained into us as a young age to hate school, and hate intellectuals. Because they are pompous know-it-alls. Yet
in the real world, or reality, or the current world we live in(only world we will ever live in), this could not be further from the truth. What has advanced us most as a species? Wheel? Fire? Industry? Physics? Science? All intellectual qualities. How far or how advanced to we get as a species if we idolize the ability to kick someones ass...
We have a stigmata in the states that intelligence = weak stupid nerd. It is engrained into us as a young age to hate school, and hate intellectuals. Because they are pompous know-it-alls. Yet
in the real world, or reality, or the current world we live in(only world we will ever live in), this could not be further from the truth. What has advanced us most as a species? Wheel? Fire? Industry? Physics? Science? All intellectual qualities. How far or how advanced to we get as a species if we idolize the ability to kick someones ass...
"...the illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world."
- Carl Sagan