From what I can tell, most of the theists I encounter have been indoctrinated from birth as were their parents and their parents parents. I doubt many of them give it much thought since for them no other option really existed. I've hired one or two theists who had the lucky combination of being both over the top with their theism and dumb as a fence post.
While I didn't and wouldn't fire anyone for that, I was not sad to see them move on to other jobs because their unique combination of being both a super pape and blithering idiot meant that they had no appreciable fear of death. Death was a reward to them. Yippy I'm dead, now I get to sit at big table with the big guy yada yada yada. When I've got a guy who drives an 80k lb vehicle in the North in the winter and is light on experience in doing so, I kinda want him to be maybe a little bit afraid to die.
While I didn't and wouldn't fire anyone for that, I was not sad to see them move on to other jobs because their unique combination of being both a super pape and blithering idiot meant that they had no appreciable fear of death. Death was a reward to them. Yippy I'm dead, now I get to sit at big table with the big guy yada yada yada. When I've got a guy who drives an 80k lb vehicle in the North in the winter and is light on experience in doing so, I kinda want him to be maybe a little bit afraid to die.