Last October, he was part of the decision regarding a pregnant undocumented teenager in a detention facility seeking an abortion. The court ruled that the girl could briefly leave the government's custody in order to have the procedure, but Kavanaugh dissented, writing that the Trump administration admitted the teen had the right to an abortion, but the court should not have decided she had the right to an "immediate abortion on demand." He also argued that the procedure could have waited until she was released to an American sponsor, as the delay would not have imposed an undue burden on the girl's right to an abortion.
What problem could a women's rights group have with this guy? It's not like he tried to force an undocumented immigrant to have a baby by playing the waiting game with a spurious interpretation of the law.
What problem could a women's rights group have with this guy? It's not like he tried to force an undocumented immigrant to have a baby by playing the waiting game with a spurious interpretation of the law.