Quote:Do you think its a coincidence that...
of billions of stars and planets in the many galaxies, only earth has life, and abundance of it?
Billions? Try a vastly larger, undefined, seemingly infinite number of stars, suns, planets, galaxies. The planet earth is the only planet KNOWN to have life. This statement neither proves or disproves a coincidence, nor a divine creator.
Quote:the sun is 400 times the size of the earth's moon, 400 times further away from earth than the moon, yet they look both proportionally the same size in our sky?
Holy fucking mother of chicken alfredo! This is a joke right? I've never been so blown away by stupid in my life. There are no words..
Quote:the sun lights the days nicely, while the moon glimmers in the night sweetly and the clouds bring forth rain to water our crops, which bring forth food in your stomach?
Who the fuck is this? Bob Ross? We wouldn't even fucking be here to ponder this bullshit if it weren't for our sun, clouds, rain, etc.
This proves nothing.
Quote:Do you think its a coincidence that...
birds in the air whistle sweet songs and dogs show unconditional love?
Is it not an established fact that birds sing to communicate, mostly for mating purposes? They make noises that are essential in the survival and continuation of their species existence. Not because Jesus wants you to have pleasant noises in the morning.. what a fucking ego!
Dogs would've unconditionally loved ripping your face off about 15,000 years ago. Humans domesticated them. I see google eludes this man...
Quote:your body heals naturally when you cut yourself, or you become sick and it goes away?
If I were god, I would make the beings I loved so much heal instantly, or not get hurt at all, for that matter. More importantly, if it weren't for the advancement of medical science, many people would die from things like cuts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from a head cold, stomach virus, etc, there are plenty of diseases that don't go away. People die from them every day. Other diseases can be cured, but not without extensive assistance from men and women with medical degrees. Try praying away cancer and see where that gets you.
Quote:humans have intangible senses, called emotions where we feel love, hate, anger, sadness, happiness, shock, confused, hurt, healed, and so forth?
And this proves the existence of god how?
"Healed" is an emotion now? This guy is a tard.
Quote:Do you think its a coincidence that...
you were born from a lady's womb and you will die a death, without choice of either?
the complexity of dna is so mind boggling, that scientists worldwide now have gone from 'no god' to claiming a "Divine Creator"? (read)
your body's anatomy is complex, so fine and so articulate that you wonder how this "accident" came to be?
1. We are all born from a "lady's womb" because men don't have wombs, and yet men have nipples. Why do men have nipples?
2. I love how his proof is his own bullshit ramblings. I have never heard any serious scientist utter such unbelievable nonsense; and if I ever do, I am willing to bet he'd be laughed at hysterically and never taken seriously again.
3. Yes we are complex. Why didn't god just blink us into existence in some less complex form. He's god, right? So he couldn't have made us lovable beings just a smidge simpler. Seems like a lot of trouble to go through to make a species consisting mostly of blithering morons... like Chad.
I am skipping over the next ridiculously idiotic "points". I can't find the will to dignify any of that nonsense with comment, and I'm tired.
Maybe tomorrow...