What is energy ?
Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. Energy in the process of transfer from one body to another.
A bat hitting a ball.
Wind moving the blades of a windmill.
Heat boiling water on a stove.
Every movement you make
Energy exists in many different forms. Examples of these are: light energy, heat energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, sound energy, chemical energy, nuclear or atomic energy and so on.
Sound energy moves the air.
The air moves your ear drum.
The ear drum creates an electrical pulse in your nerves that travels through your brain to create the experience of sound.
We call this transference ...energy.
It is not intelligent. It simply is what the universe is made of, in all it's various forms.
People spend their lives studying all the various forms of energy. A long distance runner. An engineer who builds bridges. Companies who put satellites in orbit.
Hell, every job you can think of deals with energy.
When a kite flies, a god is not lifting it up.
It's the wind.
When chemicals mix and form compounds, a god is not creating the compound.
It's just chemistry and the forces of nature.
Electrical charges, transferring electrons, chemical bonds.
I think you know all of this.
You're trying to fit your god in there somewhere.
You have this belief and you want your god to be doing something, to be part of that chemistry, to be part of the wind, to move the angle of the bat so you get a home run, but it's just your imagination.
I'm sorry, but all we have is reality.
It's a wonderful place. Lots of mysteries still to be solved. But you can't solve a mystery if you think some invisible, intangible, all knowing, all seeing entity did it.
There are actual answers to your questions.
You just have to discover them.
As a five year old, it's cute when they say my imaginary friend ate the cookie.
As an adult, saying the imaginary friend created the universe stops becoming cute.
Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. Energy in the process of transfer from one body to another.
A bat hitting a ball.
Wind moving the blades of a windmill.
Heat boiling water on a stove.
Every movement you make
Energy exists in many different forms. Examples of these are: light energy, heat energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, sound energy, chemical energy, nuclear or atomic energy and so on.
Sound energy moves the air.
The air moves your ear drum.
The ear drum creates an electrical pulse in your nerves that travels through your brain to create the experience of sound.
We call this transference ...energy.
It is not intelligent. It simply is what the universe is made of, in all it's various forms.
People spend their lives studying all the various forms of energy. A long distance runner. An engineer who builds bridges. Companies who put satellites in orbit.
Hell, every job you can think of deals with energy.
When a kite flies, a god is not lifting it up.
It's the wind.
When chemicals mix and form compounds, a god is not creating the compound.
It's just chemistry and the forces of nature.
Electrical charges, transferring electrons, chemical bonds.
I think you know all of this.
You're trying to fit your god in there somewhere.
You have this belief and you want your god to be doing something, to be part of that chemistry, to be part of the wind, to move the angle of the bat so you get a home run, but it's just your imagination.
I'm sorry, but all we have is reality.
It's a wonderful place. Lots of mysteries still to be solved. But you can't solve a mystery if you think some invisible, intangible, all knowing, all seeing entity did it.
There are actual answers to your questions.
You just have to discover them.
As a five year old, it's cute when they say my imaginary friend ate the cookie.
As an adult, saying the imaginary friend created the universe stops becoming cute.
Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result